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Has anybody tried ice bath

R 0


Sep 9, 2023
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2 years of service
sabi nga daw healthy,, pero i dont know kung kaya ko yun
D 0


Sep 12, 2023
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1 years of service
It would really be nice if somewhere within the metro offers cryo! Would definitely want to give it a try!
A 0


Sep 10, 2023
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1 years of service
Really good for blood circulation and heart health.
Luckysaint 340


Aug 24, 2023
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ꜱᴏᴠɪᴇᴛ ᴜɴɪᴏɴ [ᴜꜱꜱʀ]
2 years of service
i try and also ice bucket challenge btw here's some information and benefits mga katzmates about sa ice bath

1. Reduces inflammation and swelling
When you take an ice bath, the cold temperature narrows your blood vessels. This decreases blood flow to your muscles, which may reduce inflammation and swelling. And research suggests that the cold-therapy technique lowers post-exercise inflammation better than other methods like compression socks.

2. Relieves sore muscles
Stepping into a cold bath might help relieve sore muscles. Scientists aren't sure exactly how it works. But less inflammation and slower nerve signaling could mean less pain. Cold water could also lower your perception of pain or how much soreness you feel.

That explains why a systematic review found that ice baths reduce delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) after exercise. But the studies were low quality. And the best way to take an ice bath to soothe sore muscles –– including ideal water temperature, duration, and frequency –– is unclear.

Evidence suggests that ice baths may also ease pain from chronic conditions. This includes rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and fibromyalgia. But there's a need for more research on ice baths for chronic pain and possible long-term side effects.

3. Aids exercise recovery
When you get out of an ice bath, your blood vessels dilate, or re-open, increasing circulation. The nutrient-rich blood flow to your muscles may help remove metabolic waste that builds up during exercise. That's another reason people use ice baths for post-workout recovery.

And some studies do suggest that ice baths are an effective recovery method. But do the pros outweigh the cons? A 2021 review shows that taking an icy dip reduces exercise-induced inflammation. The researchers note that they can also hinder training adaptations that allow you to build muscle and improve your performance. This potential side effect may apply to endurance, but not aerobic workouts.

Another study shows that ice baths and active recovery are equally effective at lowering inflammation. So active-recovery workouts might be a more reliable option if you want to increase muscle mass or strength.

4. Lowers core body temperature
Perhaps one of the most obvious benefits is that ice baths can help you cool down when you're overheated. One study found that soaking in cold water for just under 10 minutes reduces your core body temperature after a workout. Cooling down after you work up a sweat can help you avoid heat stroke and heat exhaustion.

5. Supports immunity
Some evidence suggests that ice baths support a healthy immune system. In a small study, people who combined cold water immersion, deep breathing, and meditation had fewer bacterial infection symptoms than those who did not. But it's difficult to know just how effective cold water immersion is for your immune system because the study looks at several methods.

6. Improves mental health
Ice baths might be good for your mental health too. A small study found that taking a 20-minute ice bath 4 days a week improved quality of life in people with gout. They had better joint mobility and less stress, anxiety, and depression. Scientists think that exposing your body to cold water triggers a stress response and activates the nervous system. These changes can improve your mood and help you adapt to stress over time.

eto naman ang risk kapag hindi na kinaya ng katawan mo yung lamig katzmate (kaya be cafeful sa ice bath)

Taking an ice bath can be risky, especially if you have certain health conditions. So be sure to talk to your healthcare provider before you try one. Your provider may recommend avoiding ice baths if you have:

- High blood pressure or heart disease
- Circulatory problems like peripheral artery disease
- Conditions that increase your cold sensitivity
- An open wound

Staying in an ice bath for too long can also cause hypothermia, which occurs when your body temperature drops too low. That's why it's important to use a timer and keep your ice baths brief. And remember to pay attention to your body. You should get out of an ice bath immediately if you start shivering uncontrollably or notice skin color changes.

and eto naman ang pros and cons by doing this!


  1. Reduced Muscle Soreness: Ice baths can help reduce muscle soreness and inflammation after intense exercise or physical activity. The cold water constricts blood vessels, which can help limit the release of inflammatory chemicals.
  2. Faster Recovery: Athletes often use ice baths to speed up their recovery time between intense training sessions or competitions. The reduced inflammation can lead to quicker recovery and less downtime.
  3. Pain Relief: Cold water immersion may provide temporary pain relief for conditions like arthritis, minor injuries, or sore muscles. The numbing effect of the cold can reduce pain sensations.
  4. Improved Circulation: Ice baths can stimulate blood circulation as the body works to warm itself up. This may help with blood flow and oxygen delivery to muscles and tissues.
  5. Enhanced Mood: Some people find that cold water immersion can boost mood and alertness. It's thought to trigger the release of endorphins, which are natural mood enhancers.
  6. Increased Mental Toughness: Enduring the discomfort of an ice bath can help build mental resilience and discipline. Athletes often use ice baths as a way to train their minds to handle discomfort.

  1. Discomfort: Ice baths can be extremely uncomfortable and even painful, especially during the first few minutes. Many people find it difficult to tolerate the extreme cold.
  2. Potential for Hypothermia: Prolonged exposure to very cold water can lead to hypothermia, a dangerous condition where the body's core temperature drops to a dangerously low level. It's essential to monitor the duration and temperature of the bath carefully.
  3. Vasoconstriction: While vasoconstriction (narrowing of blood vessels) can help reduce inflammation, it can also limit blood flow, which may not be suitable for all individuals, especially those with circulatory issues.
  4. Skin Irritation: Extended exposure to cold water can lead to skin irritation, redness, or even frostbite in extreme cases. It's important to protect your skin and extremities during an ice bath.
  5. Not Suitable for Everyone: Ice baths may not be appropriate for individuals with certain medical conditions, such as Raynaud's disease, cardiovascular issues, or a history of cold sensitivity.
  6. Limited Scientific Evidence: While there is anecdotal evidence and some research supporting the benefits of ice baths, the scientific consensus on their effectiveness is still evolving. Some studies have shown mixed results.
In conclusion, ice baths can be a useful tool for certain individuals, especially athletes looking to accelerate recovery and reduce muscle soreness. However, they are not without risks and discomfort, so it's crucial to approach them with caution and consult a healthcare professional if you have any underlying medical conditions or concerns.
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