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Alien Jokes

B 0


May 15, 2024
Reaction score
1 years of service
1. How do aliens harvest their crops? With tractor beams.

2. How do you make an alien’s baby sleep? You rocket.

3. Why do aliens not like visiting earth very often? Because it is rated only one star.

4. Why do aliens not visit the restaurant in space? Because it has got no atmosphere.

5. Where do aliens like chilling the most? The space bar.

6. What did the alien say to the cat? Take me to your litter.

7. What currency do aliens use? Starbucks.

8. What do aliens like to read the most? Comet books.

9. Which music artist do aliens love the most? Bruno Mars.

10. Why was the alien reading a book on anti-gravity? He just could not put it down.

11. How do aliens keep their jeans up? With asteroid belts.

12. How do aliens organize a party? They planet.

13. Why do aliens not eat clowns? Because they taste funny.

14. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see a green alien? To say "Wait until it is ripe".

15. Why could the alien not pay attention to what his friend was saying? Because he was spaced out.

16. Why was the alien not very popular among his friends? Because he was not down to earth.

17. Why is it difficult to maintain a healthy relationship with an alien? Because he always needs his space.

18. Why is it difficult to converse with aliens? They do not understand the gravity of certain situations.

19. What is an alien's favorite beverage? Gravi-tea.

20. Where did the alien teacher take the students on their educational trips? To the planetarium.

21. What do aliens look at measuring cups and say? Take me to your liter.

22. What do aliens use skillets in the kitchen for? To cook unidentified frying objects.

23. What do aliens love to add to their hot chocolate? Martian mellows.

24. Which is the only animal that aliens know of? Cows, because only cows can be seen jumping over the moon.

25. What do you call an alien who has muscles? A flexa terrestrial.

26. Where does an alien send her babies to get brighter? To the sun.

27. Why does an alien prefer a light year to a normal year? Because it has got less calories.

28.How does an alien park his spaceship in space? He uses a parking meteor.

29. What does an alien say when he likes something a lot? It is out of the world.

30. How much does an alien have to pay for the moon? One dollar which is actually four quarters.

31. What do you do when an alien is angry? You give him some space.

32. What does an alien wear to a Halloween party? A space suit.

33. What do aliens keep their tea cups on? Flying saucers.

34. Where do aliens go for higher studies? To the universe-ity.

35. What does an alien do when he has to get in touch with Saturn? He gives Saturn a ring.

36. How does an alien measure things? By using a meteor stick.

37. How do aliens keep in touch with each other? They use Space Book.

38. Which chewing gum do aliens love the most? Orbit.

39. What do you call an alien who is really really slow? A snailien.

40. How does an alien cut his hair? Eclipse it.

41. Why are aliens jealous of the sun? Because the sun has a million degrees.

42. Which chocolate do aliens love the most? A Mars bar.

43. What does an alien call his ex? A SpaceX.

44. Why did Mickey Mouse need the alien’s help? He was trying to find Pluto.

45. What did the alien say to his girlfriend? We have a plutonic relationship.

46. What would you end up with when you cross an adorable alien and something sweet, white and very fluffy? A martian-mallow.

47. What is an alien’s favorite drink at the bar? A sate-lite beer.

48. What did the baby alien say to his mom? He said, “Mom, my life revolves around you!”.

49. Why do aliens not get along with each other sometimes? Because they can be mercurial.

50. Why are there just eighteen letters in the English alphabet? Because E.T. flew away riding a U.F.O with the C.I.A in pursuit.

51. What did the exasperated alien say to his wife? You are not understanding the gravity of this situation!

52. What do alien dogs say when they land on another planet? Show me who your litter is.

53. Where do aliens normally go to board a train? Space Station.

54. Why are aliens especially interested in abducting cows? Because they can jump over the moon.

55. What did the alien say when they landed in the world of bookworms? Show me your reader.
Palag palag haha

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