Generally troll farm. But looking at it on a political strategist perspective, it is actually how the campaign was run and how the supporters acted which caused its failure.
First, they allowed the story to be framed that Leni was the underdog. This created a perception that BBM was already the winner. And as Filipino voters easily jump on a bandwagon, this made it worse. The same thing can be said for the supporters as they are always caught defending Leni instead of setting the tone of discourse.
Second, the campaign was afraid to get their hands dirty. Public service and politics are within the same sphere but are different animals. Politics per se is not bad but is a question of power. Leni was a public servant and was getting better at politicking but was unable to trump traditional and dirty politicking by BBM. Sad as it may seem, this is the current Filipino political landscape.
Finally, the materials used were so clean and uneventful, media and the people brushed them aside. They were not engaging. Filipinos like drama and intrigue which the campaign lacked. i.e., for digong, it was his cursing; for BBM, it was his family's redemption; for Cory, it was her husband's death; for Gloria, the Garci tapes; etc.
Apart from these, there are the obvious reasons as well:
1. She's a female in a highly patriarchal and borderline misogynistic society.
2. Bulk of the voters are too young or too old--both lack critical thinking.