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Start from the basics, find your bmr and slowly get used to a diet.
From previous experience if you change from one day eating what you like to a strict day you will cheat on the diet so progressing slowly is the best call
BSND STUDENT HERE. The ONLY way to know if you are undergoing calorie deficit is to know FIRST the total calorie requirement you need. This can be done by a simple calculation. Only then we will decide what food you have to eat
BSND STUDENT HERE. The ONLY way to know if you are undergoing calorie deficit is to know FIRST the total calorie requirement you need. This can be done by a simple calculation. Only then we will decide what food you have to eat
Agree po! Madami hindi nakakaintindi na inorder para malaman mo na nasa calorie deficit ka is dapat less than 500kcal sa total calore intake mo. Malalaman lang yun through computatiaon lang talaga