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SIM Card Registration Act Gets a Nod From The House
May pinapasa ngayong batas sa Pilipinas na kelangan magregister ng pangalan at ibang importanteng information para ka makabili ng SIM card...for more details, paki basa nalang...
May 22, 2015
Yesterday, the House of Representative has approved 28 national bills, and one of which is the House Bill 5231, also known as the "Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Card Registration Act", that seeks to require telcos to "establish a foolproof system of identifying users prepaid SIM cards.
Under the HB5231, consumers are required to present a valid ID with picture and personally fill out a registration form with control number provided by the telco before he/she can buy a prepaid SIM card. Once the sale has been made, the consumer will be issued with an official receipt from the servicing telco.
If the transaction is done through a telco representative or an agent, the person are obligated to forward all the necessary documents that the consumer has provided within fifteen (15) days from the date of sale.
Local telecommunications companies are required to submit an updated list of authorized dealers and agents to the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) every quarter within thirty (30) days after the bill has been passed.
This will ensure that all consumers who will buy a prepaid SIM card from stores not owned by the servicing telco will still undergo the necessary process mentioned above.
If the telco failed to comply with any of the aforementioned provisions, the company will be penalized by NTC and will be forced to pay a fine.
The House Bill 5231 also encompasses existing prepaid SIM card users. Under the Section 3 of the SIM Card Registration Act, existing pre-paid users are required to register their SIM cards, as well as the serial number of their mobile phone, to the issuing telco within three (3) months from the date of effectivity of this act.
Failure to do so will not result to sanction or penalties on the users end. It may, however, result into an immediate account deactivation which will be carried out by the servicing telco.
The House Bill 5231 has passed the third and final reading in the House of Representative and will now be passed to the Senate to be approved. Theres a good chance that this House bill will be passed in to a law as President Aquino already expressed his support for the bill in the past.
Reference: Philippine Star - House Approves 28 Bills
SIM Card Registration Act Gets a Nod From The House
May pinapasa ngayong batas sa Pilipinas na kelangan magregister ng pangalan at ibang importanteng information para ka makabili ng SIM card...for more details, paki basa nalang...
May 22, 2015
Yesterday, the House of Representative has approved 28 national bills, and one of which is the House Bill 5231, also known as the "Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Card Registration Act", that seeks to require telcos to "establish a foolproof system of identifying users prepaid SIM cards.
Under the HB5231, consumers are required to present a valid ID with picture and personally fill out a registration form with control number provided by the telco before he/she can buy a prepaid SIM card. Once the sale has been made, the consumer will be issued with an official receipt from the servicing telco.
If the transaction is done through a telco representative or an agent, the person are obligated to forward all the necessary documents that the consumer has provided within fifteen (15) days from the date of sale.
Local telecommunications companies are required to submit an updated list of authorized dealers and agents to the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) every quarter within thirty (30) days after the bill has been passed.
This will ensure that all consumers who will buy a prepaid SIM card from stores not owned by the servicing telco will still undergo the necessary process mentioned above.
If the telco failed to comply with any of the aforementioned provisions, the company will be penalized by NTC and will be forced to pay a fine.
The House Bill 5231 also encompasses existing prepaid SIM card users. Under the Section 3 of the SIM Card Registration Act, existing pre-paid users are required to register their SIM cards, as well as the serial number of their mobile phone, to the issuing telco within three (3) months from the date of effectivity of this act.
Failure to do so will not result to sanction or penalties on the users end. It may, however, result into an immediate account deactivation which will be carried out by the servicing telco.
The House Bill 5231 has passed the third and final reading in the House of Representative and will now be passed to the Senate to be approved. Theres a good chance that this House bill will be passed in to a law as President Aquino already expressed his support for the bill in the past.
Reference: Philippine Star - House Approves 28 Bills