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Been "dirty" (what fits macros) bulking for 13 months now and plan to cut soon, any tips?
Start BW: 80 kg
End BW: 90 kg
College student if thats important, on a budget
well drinks water atleast 150ml every hour, eat high volume low calorie veggies. Lettuce for example. Eggs, lean meat, chicken breast as much as possible.
Diet soda and flavored water is your friend! Although wala naman negative effects, don't abuse it too much! Only when you're craving for something! Too much of anything is always bad haha.
Been "dirty" (what fits macros) bulking for 13 months now and plan to cut soon, any tips?
Start BW: 80 kg
End BW: 90 kg
College student if thats important, on a budget