Lucidire's short rules:
SPAM REPLY = empty reply, 3 letter of less reply, reply that can't be read, advertising link reply and any non related to the topic reply.
1. No SPAM thread of reply. SPAM threads are like reply or like this thread to see content and then there is nothing inside. SPAM reply like 1-3 letters reply, smiley and just quote without message and etc. (you will banned permanently including your IP)
2. No Child porn of any kind.
3. Do not advertise or promote any website without proper consent from the staff. You will be banned permanently right away including your IP.
4. Be friendly,No Scamming other people and no trash talking. Let's make this community as friendly as possible.
Please obey those rules and if you have any suggestion or recommendations. Kindly post them in our suggestion/recommendation section.