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Death scythe hell EW, Destiny, Strike Freedom, Strike Gundam na may launcher and sword pack (all MG) palang yung mga dati kong nabuo. Natigil lang kasi medyo di na kaya gumastos motor na hobby . Baka sakali pag may extra na ulit Wing zero custom next ko
Rg nu Gundam, both hg and entry grade rx-78-2, hg earthree core gundam, mg/hg/ barbatos, strike freedom, oo raiser, mg vidar, hg perfect strike freedom,rg aile strike gundam and my latest build hg zaku ii
honestly, ako din, nung umpisa around 5 kits ko triny, then nung may opportuinty para sa bandai kits, bumili ako at dun mo talaga maaappreciate un quality ng bandai kits, soo maganda din naidulot ng bootleg imo, plus may extra parts ako just in case he he he