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I don't think it will kill traditional art for good. I mean books never became obsolete despite the advent of computers. It might be a problem when traditional artists are accused of using AI.
Generative art is progressing at a very rapid pace. It is something that cannot be stopped at this point - the tools are all out there in the wild. We can only hope that it won't be abused too much. However, I don't think this will remove humans from artistic endeavors. Far from it - i think we will be challenged to create things that even generative AIs can't fathom!
It's kinda sad na ginagamit yung artworks na pinaghirapan ng mga artists to make these AI arts. Pero the works made by AI has really no soul and character eh. Still don't like them.
for sure -- it cant be stopped. People will have to adapt. Ung mga nasa social media tatawa tawa sa mga ai art user ngayon pero soon sila gagamit gamit na rin yan