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But I waited for her 2nd banner and I saved almost 60k in total with C1 Zhongli (i got him x2 in my 2nd 10 pulls so in total 20 pulls, this is my lucky pulls ever).
Team Comp (based on my availabilities chars that I have): Ganyu, Zhongli, Bennett, Xiangling)
> my team revolves around Ganyu melt meta and my highest damage + food so far is 200k
> Idk what is going on rn in Genshin if there are more good artis, weapon, characters but my Ganyu will dealt more damage but the ideal team comp that I want for my Ganyu is ( Ganyu - Bennett (C6 cuz i don't have yet) - Kazuha/Venti - Zhongli
This is around april 2022 last year and finished the spiral after I got her before I quit. Even though I only have limited 5* chars I'm satisfied at all. :>>