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Hi, Suggest naman po kayo ng Underrated RPG games yung may magandang storyline like The Elder Scroll or Fallout Series, Preferably Single Player for PC!! THANK YOU
Hi, Suggest naman po kayo ng Underrated RPG games yung may magandang storyline like The Elder Scroll or Fallout Series, Preferably Single Player for PC!! THANK YOU
(diablo-like) Arpgs: Victor Vran, Grim Dawn, Last Epoch, Torchlight II
Souls-like Rpgs: Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen, ELEX I & II
Pokemon like Rpgs: Coromon, Nexomon:Extinction (both are also available on Mobile)
Jrpgs: Legend of Mana (PC port available on Steam), Suikoden I & II (coming soon na din sa Steam), Persona series
Crpgs: Wasteland series (post-apocalyptic), Xcom, Pillars of Eternity
Imo ang ganda padin ng Assassins Creed Series. Tried yung older games like yung 2 and ibang iba ang parkour mechanics sa current releases pero still liked both parkour