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When a couple gets lost after taking a reroute to their town, a man offers his home nearby. As they feel something’s wrong, things turn deadly.
Director: Lawrence Fajardo
Cast: John Arcilla, Cindy Miranda, Sid Lucero, and Nathalie Hart.
When a couple gets lost after taking a reroute to their town, a man offers his home nearby. As they feel something’s wrong, things turn deadly.
Director: Lawrence Fajardo
Cast: John Arcilla, Cindy Miranda, Sid Lucero, and Nathalie Hart.
When a couple gets lost after taking a reroute to their town, a man offers his home nearby. As they feel something’s wrong, things turn deadly.
Director: Lawrence Fajardo
Cast: John Arcilla, Cindy Miranda, Sid Lucero, and Nathalie Hart.
When a couple gets lost after taking a reroute to their town, a man offers his home nearby. As they feel something’s wrong, things turn deadly.
Director: Lawrence Fajardo
Cast: John Arcilla, Cindy Miranda, Sid Lucero, and Nathalie Hart.