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RED DOT (2021) 720p.WEBrip 800MB.x246- GalaxyRG

B 0


Feb 25, 2021
Reaction score
Zamboanga City
4 years of service
Red Dot.

In RED DOT, David and Nadja are a young Stockholm married couple whose marriage seems to be in trouble. In an attempt to rekindle their love for each other, David surprises Nadja with the opportunity to go on a weekend camping trip to northern Sweden, where they can spend quality time under the Northern Lights. Soon, with their pet dog Boris along for the ride, the couple make the trek to the north, but their trip soon hits a snag after an unpleasant interaction with a creepy and racist hunter at a gas station. When they arrive at the inn where they'll spend their first night, they see the hunter drinking in the bar, and wake up the next morning to find a racial slur scrawled on the back of their car. When they see the hunter's truck parked outside a general store, Nadja decides to get revenge by scratching the side of the truck with a screwdriver. They narrowly escape, and believe that the altercation is over once they start to hike and set up their tent for the night. Their tranquility is short lived, as they soon discover a red dot that follows them, usually pointed at their heads. Shots are fired, and David and Nadja must run for their lives through the snow and the cold. Now, a fight for survival ensues as the couple must find out who exactly is trying to kill them, and why.

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