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[Must know!] TASK MANAGER TIPS & TRICKS - Monitor & Improve PC Performance

J 0


Oct 23, 2024
Reaction score
5 months of service
Manually Disable or Remove the Task Manager from the List for Limited Accounts

This security policy tip is very useful for schools, internet cafes, small business and shared computers at home.

From you Limited or Restricted User Account, Open your Windows Explorer > go to \Windows folder > regedit.exe > Right-Click and Choose Run as… option

Open the program for accounts with administrative privilege

In this example, I want to disable the Task Manager for the User Account named Sharedaccount.

Once the Registry editor is opened, we need to verify and find the corresponding SID folder for the account.

How to get the corresponding SID Folder for the Specific User Account
go to these registry location to get first the corresponding SID key for the User

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList

Find the corresponding SID by checking those folders for the Sharedaccount Value




%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\Sharedaccount

Now, we have verified that the SID for the Sharedaccount user is S-1-5-21-825345543-318236825-1802669531-1003

Open this registry Location to restrict launching of task manager
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-825345543-318236825-1802669531-1003\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policie s

If System subfolder key doesn’t exists, create the folder and Right-Click the folder key > New > DWORD (32-bit) Value

type DisableTaskmgr, double click and change the value to 1
Try by pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL or CTRL+SHIFT+ESC

“Task Manager has been disabled by your administrator”

as simple as that!



Wala pa akong nakitang thread na ganito. Kung meron mang nag-share na dati, buhayin ko lang ulit para sa mga hindi pa nakakaalam.

Siguro ang alam natin sa Task Manager ay isang simpleng window kung saan makikita ang detalye ng mga running programs at pag-end dito, its definitely more than that. You can make your PC runs faster if you know some of the basic tricks of Task Manager.

Windows Task Manager is also a very useful tool to MONITOR ALL WHAT IS GOING ON TO YOUR PC and NETWORK CONNECTION. etc.


Easy ways to run the Task Manager:
1. Ctrl + Shift + Esc
2. WIndows Key + R -> type taskmgr -> hit ENTER
3. Ctrl + Alt + Del -> select Task Manager

Screenies lang ng Options menu tsaka yung Quick Access for Shutdown options. Baka kasi walang nakakapansin nito.

From "Options" menu choose the "Hide when minimized" option. It minimizes to an icon in the system tray which glows green to indicate the percentage of CPU resources in use at any given time.

Eto yung trick, double-click nyo sa part na yan

at ito ang lalabas... a movable and resizable window

o kaya ito depende sa current tab na nakaopen.

Double-click on empty space para bumalik sa dati.

Trick na ba yun??? sabi nila eh..

Simple lang noh? pero wag ka...mahalaga po yan.

Dagdagan ko lang, open this location; C:\WINDOWS\system32, hanapin mo yung taskmgr.exe tapos gawan mo ng shortcut.
Dun sa Shortcut ng TaskManager, Right-click -> Properties -> Shortcut tab, select "Minimized" sa Run option. Click OK button.

Cut (Ctrl + X) mo yung Shortcut na yan at i-Paste (Ctrl + V) sa Startup folder. Nasaan ba yun? Start menu -> All Programs -> Startup

tapos! haha...

Seriously speaking, ito ang purpose nyan...

Every time na mag-start up yang PC nyo, it automatically runs the Task Manager minimized in the System Tray (bottommost left corner of your monitor/screen). This action keeps Task Manager running all the time (unless you close it. haha). If you see a bright green Task Managers icon, you know that something is sucking up the CPU.

CTRL + V na ang karamihan nito
1 Browsing your Processes
The first thing you will see in your Task Manager is the Application tab which tells you which applications are currently running, but it doesnt reveals the actual thing. To know whats actually running in your PC click the Processes tab and check "Show processes from all users", which give you all the currently running processes.

2. Viewing Memory in use
With Task Manager you can view which processes are taking how much amount of memory. This can be very useful to you if you are having less amount of memory. You can remove few unwanted processes by right clicking the process name and selecting end task. This will free the memory used by that process, but be sure you dont remove the system process, otherwise your PC may shutdown . Having some free available memory will make your PC work fast.

3. Diagnosing disk thrashing
You would have noticed sometimes that your hard drive is continuously thrashing even though theres no-one at the PC. To find out why, Click the Task Manager Processes tab, then click View > Select Columns, and check I/O Read Bytes and I/O Write Bytes. Click OK. The new columns will show you the total amount of data read or written by a process, which applies to network activity as well as your hard drive. The busiest processes will have the largest figures, and if a process is active now then its totals will tick up as you watch.

4. Removing Running Process
If any of your process is taking a lot of memory or keeping your CPU busy unnecessary, then you can remove such running process without rebooting with task manager, but if that process is important like system process or any other important process, then killing the process may crash your system or cause some loss of data. So we will first reduce the priority of that process. Right-click your CPU-hogging process, select Set Priority -> Low, and Windows should immediately give more CPU time to just about everything else on your PC. The program will still be running, it just shouldnt interfere with other apps to the same degree, and they should be accessible again.

If there are still problems, right-click the process and select Set Affinity. This option lets you decide which CPU cores a process can use. If you clear one of these then that core will become available to other applications, which should significantly improve their performance.

5. Restarting Explorer GREAT! NO NEED TO REBOOT
Sometimes your taskbar and desktop may disappear; in this case you can take the help of task manager press Ctrl+Shift+Esc and press the Processes tab to check for yourself. If Explorer.exe isnt listed then click File > New Task, type Explorer.exe and click OK to restart it , your desktop and task bar should come back.

6. Finding System Resources
Launching Task Manager and clicking the Performance tab will reveal the total amount of RAM installed in your PC (check the Total in the Physical Memory box).

7. Monitoring Network utilization
Click the Task Manager Networking tab and youll see a graph that tracks your current network use over time. This can be useful if youve a network-hogging process that fires on a regular basis, for instance, as you should see a spike on the chart.

8. CPU Utilization
Launch Task Manager, and click the Performance tab to see a graph of your CPU Usage History: Click View and select Show Kernel Times (so its checked). What youll now see is two graph lines: one green, representing total CPU utilisation, and one red, representing the time consumed by the kernel. When the green peaks are high, red peaks low then the culprit is a user mode process, probably just a regular application. But if the red peaks are consistently high then that shows your CPU time is being grabbed by something in the kernel, probably a driver, but perhaps also a Windows component, maybe even some deeply embedded malware.
salamat dito sir. ma try hehe
S 0


Nov 21, 2024
Reaction score
4 months of service
Thanks boss mapapahinga ko na ulit na maluwag ang pc ko
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