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MJ had the greatest peak in modern generation, while LeBron had the longest. Pero if you were to ask me, Kobe is my personal GOAT because I grew up watching him.
Stats wise si Lebron ang clearly the GOAT, pero mahirap din kasi baliwalaiin ung dominance ni MJ during nung championship run nya, at medyo partida din na nag temporarily nag retire xa for 2 years, kung hnd nya ginawa un, baka naka 8 peat sya
MJ Goat , si Lebron tinutulungan ng referee at ng ibang team , pag tarde deadline andaming pabor na napupuntang players sa team nya nung nasa Cavs at Heat sya , tapos ngayon sa Lakers , makikita mo pag playoffs na lageng masa maraming fou yung kabilang team na kalaban ni lebron para mataas ang ratings pag tyumagal team nya sa playoffs at umabot ng finals