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[mediafire] convert torrent link to direct mediafire link [zbigz premium]

J 0


Oct 23, 2024
Reaction score
5 months of service
I am proud to announce that lucidire is now accepting conversion of torrent links into a faster download which is the mediafire direct link for 500 grants.

Are you tired of downloading large file in your bittorrent client? Are you tired of waiting for seeders to get online to make your download faster? Eventhough you have 1000 seeders if their connection is slow then your download will probably slow. What if your seeder stopped uploading and you are in 90+% already? Have you ever thought that if only I can use IDM during downloading and if I just have zbigz premium account.? but the problem is you can't use IDm in torrent downloads and even if you can, it is not stable and may stop if there is no seeder. Zbigz premium is expensive indeed, and it has expiration.

Yes, you can use free account in zbigz, however, the maximum of file size for free members are only 1GB, you can use IDM but only up to 2 parallel downloads and your download speed with zbigz free account is only 150kbps and the storage is only 7 days. WTF? So 1GB maximum file, with only 2 parallel download and limited speed of 150kbps? Well, what if you will be downloading large files like what we are used to? Like TV series season 1-3 which is about 10GB.? No problem...

I can now convert your torrent link for up to 8GB to a mediafire direct link for 500 grants. If you have mediaifire link then you can download your file using IDM without download speed restriction and with unlimited parallel connections and the storage of your file in my mediafire account is 2 weeks. You read my other announcement on how to get grants. It's easy right? If you earned 500 grants already, just go to Vbshop and purchase C2MDL access. After purchase just go to the forum and you will see a new forum under mature content named "Convert to MF direct link" just click on it. make thread and put your TORRENT link JUST ONCE. If you make a new thread or post more than once in the same day. Your access and request will be voided WITHOUT refund of 500 grants. Your mediafire link will be available in 24-48hours depending on the size of the file. The mediafire dl will be sent to you via PM. So don't contact me if your request is not more than 24-48 hours already.

Your access to the C2MDL forum is only 1 day and after that you need to wait for the link. Your torrent link must be ready because you only have 1 day to post the torrent link in C2MDL forum. Only 1 torrent link to direct link request is allowed per access purchase. Posting of torrent file above 8GB will be ignored. You can share your link to anyone but if the link will be deleted by Mediafire due to some violations of their TOS then it's your fault not mine and their will be no refund on it.

grants are earned by making a thread and posting a reply.

Follow these rules to avoid your request from being ignored or voided.

If you have questions. PM me or make a thread in suggestion forum.

Note: next time this benefits will only be available to LIA members and above.
thank you po sa information. ipon muna ng grants hehe
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