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GLOBAL NEWS: Leech found growing in schoolboys throat

jughead3716 50


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Leech found growing in schoolboys throat

Yahoo7 News - Wed, Apr 8, 2015


Yahoo7 News - Doctors found a seven cm leech growing in Xiabo Chiens throat. Source: CEN

Doctors in China have made a disturbing discovery while treating a schoolboy for a sore throat.

Xiabo Chiens mother took her son to see a doctor in Sichuan Provence after he complained of feeling dizzy.

When the 11-year-old was examined, a seven centimeter leech was found lodged in his respiratory tract.

Xiabo had unknowingly swallowed the parasite while drinking from a bucket of water on the side of the road several weeks earlier.

His mother Xiang Tung said she was shocked when she found out why he was sick.

"At first we thought he had flu as he said he was felling dizzy and had a sore throat, she told CEN.

"He hadnt told us about the water-drinking so it never occurred to us that he may have picked up something."

The leech was successful removed by doctors and Xiabo has since made a full recovery.

"I wont be drinking water from a bucket again!" he said.

Source: Yahoo! News
Source Link: https://sg.news.yahoo.com/leech-found-growing-schoolboys-throat-051031306.html
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