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It depends sa requirement, like if you are a web developer. Kailangan mo talaga MacOs to test the site. Kasi may mga instances na ok sa ibang browser but sa safari hindi na. Madalas nangyayari yung sa mobile view ng site sa ios.
It depends sa requirement, like if you are a web developer. Kailangan mo talaga MacOs to test the site. Kasi may mga instances na ok sa ibang browser but sa safari hindi na. Madalas nangyayari yung sa mobile view ng site sa ios.
as the title says, which you guys prefer in a dev environment, ive use linux/laptop combination but id rather have a lightweight macbook compared to a bulky laptop
pros ng mac: solid build quality, snappy apps, if developer ka, useful ung terminal (pero same lng sa linux). parang in between sa windows and linux ang MacOs