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Rhys is a soldier and a hunter living in a zombie infested wasteland. His job is to capture civilians and deliver them to what's left of the military and the brutal Surgeon General. When Rhys captures a half-zombie, half-human named Grace, he comes to believe she is the key to ending the apocalypse. Working with her sister, Maxi, he works to free Grace before she is subjected to horrible experiments.
Rhys is a soldier and a hunter living in a zombie infested wasteland. His job is to capture civilians and deliver them to what's left of the military and the brutal Surgeon General. When Rhys captures a half-zombie, half-human named Grace, he comes to believe she is the key to ending the apocalypse. Working with her sister, Maxi, he works to free Grace before she is subjected to horrible experiments.
Rhys is a soldier and a hunter living in a zombie infested wasteland. His job is to capture civilians and deliver them to what's left of the military and the brutal Surgeon General. When Rhys captures a half-zombie, half-human named Grace, he comes to believe she is the key to ending the apocalypse. Working with her sister, Maxi, he works to free Grace before she is subjected to horrible experiments.
Rhys is a soldier and a hunter living in a zombie infested wasteland. His job is to capture civilians and deliver them to what's left of the military and the brutal Surgeon General. When Rhys captures a half-zombie, half-human named Grace, he comes to believe she is the key to ending the apocalypse. Working with her sister, Maxi, he works to free Grace before she is subjected to horrible experiments.
Rhys is a soldier and a hunter living in a zombie infested wasteland. His job is to capture civilians and deliver them to what's left of the military and the brutal Surgeon General. When Rhys captures a half-zombie, half-human named Grace, he comes to believe she is the key to ending the apocalypse. Working with her sister, Maxi, he works to free Grace before she is subjected to horrible experiments.