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Windows Spy Keylogger 4.0

D 0


May 7, 2022
Reaction score
3 years of service
Windows Spy Keylogger 4.0

File Size : 3.6 Mb

Windows Spy Keylogger is the free software to help you covertly monitor all activities on your computer.

It intercepts everything that is typed on keyboard and stores into one log file which you can view it any later. You can track logins, passwords, emails, chats and all other secret things typed by the user.
You can also customize various options including stealth mode, run at startup, logfile etc. It is very simple to use with just a click of button.

One of the unique feature of this tool is that you can install it and run it on any computer without administrator permissions. Also it works on both 32-bit & 64-bit Windows platforms seamlessly.

It is suitable for parents who want to monitor activities of their children. Also cyber c investigators, penetration testers, forensic analysts will find it very handy in their work.

Windows Spy Keylogger works on all platforms starting from Windows XP to new Windows 10 version.

Free Tool to Monitor Keystokes in stealth manner

Monitor both 32-bit & 64-bit applications

Automatically run at Startup

No need for administrator privileges

Settings dialog to change various options

Stores keyboard activities silently to a log file

Very easy to use with just a click of button

Displays current status of key logger at any

Includes Installer for local installation & un-installation

New 2021 release with improved key logger. Also fixed Anti-virus false positive issues.

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Salamat po!
H 0


May 10, 2022
Reaction score
3 years of service
Windows Spy Keylogger 4.0

File Size : 3.6 Mb

Windows Spy Keylogger is the free software to help you covertly monitor all activities on your computer.

It intercepts everything that is typed on keyboard and stores into one log file which you can view it any later. You can track logins, passwords, emails, chats and all other secret things typed by the user.
You can also customize various options including stealth mode, run at startup, logfile etc. It is very simple to use with just a click of button.

One of the unique feature of this tool is that you can install it and run it on any computer without administrator permissions. Also it works on both 32-bit & 64-bit Windows platforms seamlessly.

It is suitable for parents who want to monitor activities of their children. Also cyber c investigators, penetration testers, forensic analysts will find it very handy in their work.

Windows Spy Keylogger works on all platforms starting from Windows XP to new Windows 10 version.

Free Tool to Monitor Keystokes in stealth manner

Monitor both 32-bit & 64-bit applications

Automatically run at Startup

No need for administrator privileges

Settings dialog to change various options

Stores keyboard activities silently to a log file

Very easy to use with just a click of button

Displays current status of key logger at any

Includes Installer for local installation & un-installation

New 2021 release with improved key logger. Also fixed Anti-virus false positive issues.

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tnx lods
C 0


May 18, 2021
Reaction score
Eastern Samar
4 years of service
Windows Spy Keylogger 4.0

File Size : 3.6 Mb

Windows Spy Keylogger is the free software to help you covertly monitor all activities on your computer.

It intercepts everything that is typed on keyboard and stores into one log file which you can view it any later. You can track logins, passwords, emails, chats and all other secret things typed by the user.
You can also customize various options including stealth mode, run at startup, logfile etc. It is very simple to use with just a click of button.

One of the unique feature of this tool is that you can install it and run it on any computer without administrator permissions. Also it works on both 32-bit & 64-bit Windows platforms seamlessly.

It is suitable for parents who want to monitor activities of their children. Also cyber c investigators, penetration testers, forensic analysts will find it very handy in their work.

Windows Spy Keylogger works on all platforms starting from Windows XP to new Windows 10 version.

Free Tool to Monitor Keystokes in stealth manner

Monitor both 32-bit & 64-bit applications

Automatically run at Startup

No need for administrator privileges

Settings dialog to change various options

Stores keyboard activities silently to a log file

Very easy to use with just a click of button

Displays current status of key logger at any

Includes Installer for local installation & un-installation

New 2021 release with improved key logger. Also fixed Anti-virus false positive issues.

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thank you very much
Jaypee_04 0


Dec 4, 2021
Reaction score
3 years of service
Windows Spy Keylogger 4.0

File Size : 3.6 Mb

Windows Spy Keylogger is the free software to help you covertly monitor all activities on your computer.

It intercepts everything that is typed on keyboard and stores into one log file which you can view it any later. You can track logins, passwords, emails, chats and all other secret things typed by the user.
You can also customize various options including stealth mode, run at startup, logfile etc. It is very simple to use with just a click of button.

One of the unique feature of this tool is that you can install it and run it on any computer without administrator permissions. Also it works on both 32-bit & 64-bit Windows platforms seamlessly.

It is suitable for parents who want to monitor activities of their children. Also cyber c investigators, penetration testers, forensic analysts will find it very handy in their work.

Windows Spy Keylogger works on all platforms starting from Windows XP to new Windows 10 version.

Free Tool to Monitor Keystokes in stealth manner

Monitor both 32-bit & 64-bit applications

Automatically run at Startup

No need for administrator privileges

Settings dialog to change various options

Stores keyboard activities silently to a log file

Very easy to use with just a click of button

Displays current status of key logger at any

Includes Installer for local installation & un-installation

New 2021 release with improved key logger. Also fixed Anti-virus false positive issues.

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been looking for this. thanks
B 0


Dec 26, 2021
Reaction score
North Cotabato
3 years of service
Windows Spy Keylogger 4.0

File Size : 3.6 Mb

Windows Spy Keylogger is the free software to help you covertly monitor all activities on your computer.

It intercepts everything that is typed on keyboard and stores into one log file which you can view it any later. You can track logins, passwords, emails, chats and all other secret things typed by the user.
You can also customize various options including stealth mode, run at startup, logfile etc. It is very simple to use with just a click of button.

One of the unique feature of this tool is that you can install it and run it on any computer without administrator permissions. Also it works on both 32-bit & 64-bit Windows platforms seamlessly.

It is suitable for parents who want to monitor activities of their children. Also cyber c investigators, penetration testers, forensic analysts will find it very handy in their work.

Windows Spy Keylogger works on all platforms starting from Windows XP to new Windows 10 version.

Free Tool to Monitor Keystokes in stealth manner

Monitor both 32-bit & 64-bit applications

Automatically run at Startup

No need for administrator privileges

Settings dialog to change various options

Stores keyboard activities silently to a log file

Very easy to use with just a click of button

Displays current status of key logger at any

Includes Installer for local installation & un-installation

New 2021 release with improved key logger. Also fixed Anti-virus false positive issues.

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Salamat Master
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