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Leo and Marie are having marital problems because the woman is spending too much time with her pet dogs. This prompts Leo, the art director of ad agency, to have a one-night stand. Marie then confronts her husband about his infidelity and plots her own revenge. Another couple experiencing marital problems featured in the movie is composed of Gabby and Rita. The husband has to deal with premature ejaculation but Rita doesn’t mind at all. That is until she meets the very aggressive Gaston (a married meat vendor) who awakens her appetite for lust and forbidden passion.
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Leo and Marie are having marital problems because the woman is spending too much time with her pet dogs. This prompts Leo, the art director of ad agency, to have a one-night stand. Marie then confronts her husband about his infidelity and plots her own revenge. Another couple experiencing marital problems featured in the movie is composed of Gabby and Rita. The husband has to deal with premature ejaculation but Rita doesn’t mind at all. That is until she meets the very aggressive Gaston (a married meat vendor) who awakens her appetite for lust and forbidden passion.
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Leo and Marie are having marital problems because the woman is spending too much time with her pet dogs. This prompts Leo, the art director of ad agency, to have a one-night stand. Marie then confronts her husband about his infidelity and plots her own revenge. Another couple experiencing marital problems featured in the movie is composed of Gabby and Rita. The husband has to deal with premature ejaculation but Rita doesn’t mind at all. That is until she meets the very aggressive Gaston (a married meat vendor) who awakens her appetite for lust and forbidden passion.
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Leo and Marie are having marital problems because the woman is spending too much time with her pet dogs. This prompts Leo, the art director of ad agency, to have a one-night stand. Marie then confronts her husband about his infidelity and plots her own revenge. Another couple experiencing marital problems featured in the movie is composed of Gabby and Rita. The husband has to deal with premature ejaculation but Rita doesn’t mind at all. That is until she meets the very aggressive Gaston (a married meat vendor) who awakens her appetite for lust and forbidden passion.
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Leo and Marie are having marital problems because the woman is spending too much time with her pet dogs. This prompts Leo, the art director of ad agency, to have a one-night stand. Marie then confronts her husband about his infidelity and plots her own revenge. Another couple experiencing marital problems featured in the movie is composed of Gabby and Rita. The husband has to deal with premature ejaculation but Rita doesn’t mind at all. That is until she meets the very aggressive Gaston (a married meat vendor) who awakens her appetite for lust and forbidden passion.
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Leo and Marie are having marital problems because the woman is spending too much time with her pet dogs. This prompts Leo, the art director of ad agency, to have a one-night stand. Marie then confronts her husband about his infidelity and plots her own revenge. Another couple experiencing marital problems featured in the movie is composed of Gabby and Rita. The husband has to deal with premature ejaculation but Rita doesn’t mind at all. That is until she meets the very aggressive Gaston (a married meat vendor) who awakens her appetite for lust and forbidden passion.
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