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A self-made farmer and rice mill owner who faces a rebellion by his two sons when he installs his young mistress as the new woman of the house immediately after the death of his wife. Complicating matters further is the fact that the older son is already living with his common-law wife in the same house.
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A self-made farmer and rice mill owner who faces a rebellion by his two sons when he installs his young mistress as the new woman of the house immediately after the death of his wife. Complicating matters further is the fact that the older son is already living with his common-law wife in the same house.
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A self-made farmer and rice mill owner who faces a rebellion by his two sons when he installs his young mistress as the new woman of the house immediately after the death of his wife. Complicating matters further is the fact that the older son is already living with his common-law wife in the same house.
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A self-made farmer and rice mill owner who faces a rebellion by his two sons when he installs his young mistress as the new woman of the house immediately after the death of his wife. Complicating matters further is the fact that the older son is already living with his common-law wife in the same house.
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