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Because of a dysfunctional upbringing, Jake inherits his father’s perversion for sex. He grows up to become a pornographer, videotaping his sex encounters and replicating these to be sold at “bangketas” and, on the sly, in video rental shops. The women in the videos —Jake’s current girlfriend Andrea, Prances who is married to Joseph, and Donna, a beauty queen— get their reputations tainted when the videos are exposed. At first, the women lose their self-esteem and suffer depressi on. Thanks to Marra who is a feminist, they find the strength to come out and file charges against Jake. But not before hurdling insurmountable shame and extremely debilitating prejudice. This story shows the ills effects of pornography and that, indeed, there is life after a scandal.
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Because of a dysfunctional upbringing, Jake inherits his father’s perversion for sex. He grows up to become a pornographer, videotaping his sex encounters and replicating these to be sold at “bangketas” and, on the sly, in video rental shops. The women in the videos —Jake’s current girlfriend Andrea, Prances who is married to Joseph, and Donna, a beauty queen— get their reputations tainted when the videos are exposed. At first, the women lose their self-esteem and suffer depressi on. Thanks to Marra who is a feminist, they find the strength to come out and file charges against Jake. But not before hurdling insurmountable shame and extremely debilitating prejudice. This story shows the ills effects of pornography and that, indeed, there is life after a scandal.
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Because of a dysfunctional upbringing, Jake inherits his father’s perversion for sex. He grows up to become a pornographer, videotaping his sex encounters and replicating these to be sold at “bangketas” and, on the sly, in video rental shops. The women in the videos —Jake’s current girlfriend Andrea, Prances who is married to Joseph, and Donna, a beauty queen— get their reputations tainted when the videos are exposed. At first, the women lose their self-esteem and suffer depressi on. Thanks to Marra who is a feminist, they find the strength to come out and file charges against Jake. But not before hurdling insurmountable shame and extremely debilitating prejudice. This story shows the ills effects of pornography and that, indeed, there is life after a scandal.
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Because of a dysfunctional upbringing, Jake inherits his father’s perversion for sex. He grows up to become a pornographer, videotaping his sex encounters and replicating these to be sold at “bangketas” and, on the sly, in video rental shops. The women in the videos —Jake’s current girlfriend Andrea, Prances who is married to Joseph, and Donna, a beauty queen— get their reputations tainted when the videos are exposed. At first, the women lose their self-esteem and suffer depressi on. Thanks to Marra who is a feminist, they find the strength to come out and file charges against Jake. But not before hurdling insurmountable shame and extremely debilitating prejudice. This story shows the ills effects of pornography and that, indeed, there is life after a scandal.
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Because of a dysfunctional upbringing, Jake inherits his father’s perversion for sex. He grows up to become a pornographer, videotaping his sex encounters and replicating these to be sold at “bangketas” and, on the sly, in video rental shops. The women in the videos —Jake’s current girlfriend Andrea, Prances who is married to Joseph, and Donna, a beauty queen— get their reputations tainted when the videos are exposed. At first, the women lose their self-esteem and suffer depressi on. Thanks to Marra who is a feminist, they find the strength to come out and file charges against Jake. But not before hurdling insurmountable shame and extremely debilitating prejudice. This story shows the ills effects of pornography and that, indeed, there is life after a scandal.
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