AZ section:
When posting in AZ section, these special rules will apply effective immediately. Failure to follow these rules will result in perm ban.
1. Do not include the word deepweb, darkweb and etc in your post.
2. Do not include the age of the person in your post.
3. Only share download links and not link to another website/telegram/discord/fb groups and etc.
4. You need to have 30 replies/posts to get permission in AZ. PROFILE POSTS IS NOT COUNTED.
5. Rule number 1 and 2 can be ignored if you are posting in forbidden section.
6. Ardent and up can only use the [charge] function. Max charge is 10 grants. (only way a user is allowed to use charge code more than 10 grants if he is buying grants from someone).
Threads that are posted BEFORE May 24, 2022 that violates rules 1,2 and 3 will be moved to forbidden section. Threads that are posted AFTER May 24, 2022 that violates rules 1,2 and 3 will be moved to forbidden section and the thread starter will be perm ban.