1. Do not include any offensive words except the name of the person. Watch, Leaks, Sexy, Masarap, Yummy and any non offensive words are okay. Deepweb, Sex Scandal and Darkweb is NOT allowed.
2. Do not include the age of the person in your post (Complete name, location and school is fine).
3. Only share download links and not link to another website/telegram/discord/fb groups and etc.
4. Please be reminded that all threads posted with the same content as FS will be automatically transferred to FS without any notice.
5. Always use the search button or search in google "katz.to name_of_the_person" before posting to prevent redundant threads.
6. You need to have 30 replies/posts to get permission in AZ. PROFILE POSTS IS NOT COUNTED.
7. Rule number 1 and 2 can be ignored if you are posting in forbidden section.
8. Only upload your files to Hbit unless it is more than 2GB. No alternative links if it is less than 2GB.
Threads that are posted BEFORE May 24, 2022 that violates rules 1,2 and 3 will be moved to forbidden section. Threads that are posted AFTER May 24, 2022 that violates rules 1,2 and 3 will be moved to forbidden section and the thread starter will be perm ban.