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Question about earning grants

U 0


Jan 22, 2025
Reaction score
2 months of service
Hi guys, question lang po

I've read from the general rules/references found here:

about the below grants earning mechanics:

"How to earn grants?
If you make a thread = 15 grants

If you reply to any threads = 10 grants
If you receive thanks from your post = random grants
If someone reply to your thread = 5 grants/reply in your thread
If someone view your thread = 1 grants
You also earn grants everytime you visit the site = random grants
Earning grants is not limited to these actions. You can earn grants if you do different things in the forum. "


However, I've been monitoring my grants and saw that whatever actions I do and get (ex: posting thread, replying to thread, receiving thread reply/likes, etc) everything I get is only "1" grant. Is this expected? has the grant earning mechanics changed? if so, where can I find the updated one?

just asking. thanks mga bossing and more powerrrrr !
salamat bro. nakakatulong to
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