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In high school, Shantal (2003) experienced the pangs of first love after she met Sir Daniel, her Filipino teacher. Fast forward to the present, Shantal (2018) now pursuing a career in writing, gets the biggest surprise of her life as she crosses paths with Sir Daniel once again in their high school reunion. Has the time already come for Shantal’s unrequited love to be reciprocated by the man she admires the most? Will the perfect love she dreamt of ever come true?
In high school, Shantal (2003) experienced the pangs of first love after she met Sir Daniel, her Filipino teacher. Fast forward to the present, Shantal (2018) now pursuing a career in writing, gets the biggest surprise of her life as she crosses paths with Sir Daniel once again in their high school reunion. Has the time already come for Shantal’s unrequited love to be reciprocated by the man she admires the most? Will the perfect love she dreamt of ever come true?
In high school, Shantal (2003) experienced the pangs of first love after she met Sir Daniel, her Filipino teacher. Fast forward to the present, Shantal (2018) now pursuing a career in writing, gets the biggest surprise of her life as she crosses paths with Sir Daniel once again in their high school reunion. Has the time already come for Shantal’s unrequited love to be reciprocated by the man she admires the most? Will the perfect love she dreamt of ever come true?