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Genre : Animation, Action, Fantasy
Director : Wang Yunfei
Stars : Bian Jiang, Cai Haiting, Su Shangqing, Zhang Lei, Zhang He
Plot : At the beginning of chaos, the first demon in the world was born, named Yuandi, and was worshipped as the ancestor of demons. Thousands of y3ars later, the former demon king Sun Wukong is rescued from the Five Elements Mountain by Monk Tang, who promises to protect him and go to the West to get the scriptures.
720p Stream * Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *
1080p Streaming * Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *
Genre : Animation, Action, Fantasy
Director : Wang Yunfei
Stars : Bian Jiang, Cai Haiting, Su Shangqing, Zhang Lei, Zhang He
Plot : At the beginning of chaos, the first demon in the world was born, named Yuandi, and was worshipped as the ancestor of demons. Thousands of y3ars later, the former demon king Sun Wukong is rescued from the Five Elements Mountain by Monk Tang, who promises to protect him and go to the West to get the scriptures.
720p Stream * Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *
1080p Streaming * Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *
Genre : Animation, Action, Fantasy
Director : Wang Yunfei
Stars : Bian Jiang, Cai Haiting, Su Shangqing, Zhang Lei, Zhang He
Plot : At the beginning of chaos, the first demon in the world was born, named Yuandi, and was worshipped as the ancestor of demons. Thousands of y3ars later, the former demon king Sun Wukong is rescued from the Five Elements Mountain by Monk Tang, who promises to protect him and go to the West to get the scriptures.
720p Stream * Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *
1080p Streaming * Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *
Genre : Animation, Action, Fantasy
Director : Wang Yunfei
Stars : Bian Jiang, Cai Haiting, Su Shangqing, Zhang Lei, Zhang He
Plot : At the beginning of chaos, the first demon in the world was born, named Yuandi, and was worshipped as the ancestor of demons. Thousands of y3ars later, the former demon king Sun Wukong is rescued from the Five Elements Mountain by Monk Tang, who promises to protect him and go to the West to get the scriptures.
720p Stream * Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *
1080p Streaming * Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *
Genre : Animation, Action, Fantasy
Director : Wang Yunfei
Stars : Bian Jiang, Cai Haiting, Su Shangqing, Zhang Lei, Zhang He
Plot : At the beginning of chaos, the first demon in the world was born, named Yuandi, and was worshipped as the ancestor of demons. Thousands of y3ars later, the former demon king Sun Wukong is rescued from the Five Elements Mountain by Monk Tang, who promises to protect him and go to the West to get the scriptures.
720p Stream * Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *
1080p Streaming * Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *
Genre : Animation, Action, Fantasy
Director : Wang Yunfei
Stars : Bian Jiang, Cai Haiting, Su Shangqing, Zhang Lei, Zhang He
Plot : At the beginning of chaos, the first demon in the world was born, named Yuandi, and was worshipped as the ancestor of demons. Thousands of y3ars later, the former demon king Sun Wukong is rescued from the Five Elements Mountain by Monk Tang, who promises to protect him and go to the West to get the scriptures.
720p Stream * Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *
1080p Streaming * Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *