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The story is now more focused on the attempts of Domeng (Phillip Salvador), an erring father, to obtain the family's forgiveness especially to his wife Lumen (Nora Aunor) when he left them behind 20 years ago. They have three children: Andy (Zanjoe Marudo), a drug pusher; Peter (Joseph Marco), a waiter falsely accused of raping his girlfriend; and Dolly (Sanya Lopez), a single mom who works as a bar dancer. His wife is Nora Aunor as Lumen.
Rey ( Michael de Mesa), the mutual friend of Domeng and Lumen, who served as a bridge in their love affair as adolescents, and now seeks to be the mediator for Domeng's reconciliation with his estranged wife and children. He is the traditional "baklang martir" who, since they were teenagers, has been in love with Domeng, continues to love him even now that they are in their 60s, and will do anything to support not just him, but Lumen as well.
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The story is now more focused on the attempts of Domeng (Phillip Salvador), an erring father, to obtain the family's forgiveness especially to his wife Lumen (Nora Aunor) when he left them behind 20 years ago. They have three children: Andy (Zanjoe Marudo), a drug pusher; Peter (Joseph Marco), a waiter falsely accused of raping his girlfriend; and Dolly (Sanya Lopez), a single mom who works as a bar dancer. His wife is Nora Aunor as Lumen.
Rey ( Michael de Mesa), the mutual friend of Domeng and Lumen, who served as a bridge in their love affair as adolescents, and now seeks to be the mediator for Domeng's reconciliation with his estranged wife and children. He is the traditional "baklang martir" who, since they were teenagers, has been in love with Domeng, continues to love him even now that they are in their 60s, and will do anything to support not just him, but Lumen as well.
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The story is now more focused on the attempts of Domeng (Phillip Salvador), an erring father, to obtain the family's forgiveness especially to his wife Lumen (Nora Aunor) when he left them behind 20 years ago. They have three children: Andy (Zanjoe Marudo), a drug pusher; Peter (Joseph Marco), a waiter falsely accused of raping his girlfriend; and Dolly (Sanya Lopez), a single mom who works as a bar dancer. His wife is Nora Aunor as Lumen.
Rey ( Michael de Mesa), the mutual friend of Domeng and Lumen, who served as a bridge in their love affair as adolescents, and now seeks to be the mediator for Domeng's reconciliation with his estranged wife and children. He is the traditional "baklang martir" who, since they were teenagers, has been in love with Domeng, continues to love him even now that they are in their 60s, and will do anything to support not just him, but Lumen as well.
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The story is now more focused on the attempts of Domeng (Phillip Salvador), an erring father, to obtain the family's forgiveness especially to his wife Lumen (Nora Aunor) when he left them behind 20 years ago. They have three children: Andy (Zanjoe Marudo), a drug pusher; Peter (Joseph Marco), a waiter falsely accused of raping his girlfriend; and Dolly (Sanya Lopez), a single mom who works as a bar dancer. His wife is Nora Aunor as Lumen.
Rey ( Michael de Mesa), the mutual friend of Domeng and Lumen, who served as a bridge in their love affair as adolescents, and now seeks to be the mediator for Domeng's reconciliation with his estranged wife and children. He is the traditional "baklang martir" who, since they were teenagers, has been in love with Domeng, continues to love him even now that they are in their 60s, and will do anything to support not just him, but Lumen as well.
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