pa silip po bossMicrosoft Office 2019 is the latest iteration of the industry-standard office suit. Microsoft Office 2019 includes the latest versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Exchange, SharePoint and Skype for Business, each of which is an essential tool in the computerised office workplace of today. It also boasts a range of enhanced IT options that are designed to make life easier for newcomers to the field. Make no mistake: this is a versatile set of tools and no office should be without it.
General Info:
Name OF ISO :Microsoft.Office.Pro.Plus.2019.English.Retail.x86.
Size:1,67 GB (1.794.222.080 byte)
Name OF ISO:Microsoft.Office.Pro.Plus.2019.English.Retail.x64.
Size:1,90 GB ( byte)
Language: English
Architecture: 32 bit, 64 bit
File Size: 3.34 GB
Version: 16x
Author: LACE12
Download link:
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