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Medical Education Consultant

J 0


Aug 23, 2022
Reaction score
3 years of service
Adult ICU Nursing Program/Medical Education Consultant

1. Background

The Syrian American Medical Society Foundation (SAMS) is a non-profit, non-political, medical relief organization, with a mission to provide lifesaving healthcare services and to revitalize health systems for refugees populations, internally displaced persons, and vulnerable host community members in countries affected by conflicts and other disasters. SAMS implements an integrated model of essential and specialized health services that emphasizes priority needs and specialized interventions, including medical education, professional training, and financial support to healthcare workers in Syria and beyond.

Since 2014, SAMS has been providing educational and training opportunities to our medical personnel working in Syria to address the gap in healthcare workforce and services and ensure that physicians and allied health staff are up-to-date with the latest developments and innovations in the field of medicine.

2. Purpose and specifications:

The growing medical needs due to Syria ongoing conflict, compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic, are especially significant in the field of critical care for adults and the management of intensive care departments in NW Syria hospitals. Despite the important role the incentive care units in these hospitals play, unfortunately the majority of their medical staff have not received formal training in relevant fields and do not have adequate access to academic resources to compensate for gaps in knowledge and skills.

The majority of current ICUs allied health staff are still largely drawn from nursing background with ICU experience limited to on short time training provided by individuals serving as heads of these unites. This training focuses on the use and care of different medical devices, critical drugs dosing, and basic procedures and care of patients. These cadres are employed under the name of intensive care technician. With the increase in the number of admissions to intensive care units due to the conflict and COVID pandemic, the need for highly sophisticated support and monitoring methodologies, and an occupancy rate reaching 100% frequently, the need for more qualified staff and better training models has become essential for quality care of the patients.

SAMS would like to put into practice evidence-based intervention to fill the gap in qualified allied health professionals in the field of critical care and to enhance the capacity of the ICU current staff through the development and provision of a specialized nursing academic diploma in the field of Adult Critical Care to be implemented in northern Syria.

This initiative will include the development of an Adults ICU curriculum (theoretical and clinical) by a technical consultant who will be recruited to conduct an assessment for medical education in the field of ICU nursing during a period of 6 months with the following tasks/deliverables:
Thanks boss
R 0


Oct 12, 2022
Reaction score
2 years of service
Adult ICU Nursing Program/Medical Education Consultant

1. Background

The Syrian American Medical Society Foundation (SAMS) is a non-profit, non-political, medical relief organization, with a mission to provide lifesaving healthcare services and to revitalize health systems for refugees populations, internally displaced persons, and vulnerable host community members in countries affected by conflicts and other disasters. SAMS implements an integrated model of essential and specialized health services that emphasizes priority needs and specialized interventions, including medical education, professional training, and financial support to healthcare workers in Syria and beyond.

Since 2014, SAMS has been providing educational and training opportunities to our medical personnel working in Syria to address the gap in healthcare workforce and services and ensure that physicians and allied health staff are up-to-date with the latest developments and innovations in the field of medicine.

2. Purpose and specifications:

The growing medical needs due to Syria ongoing conflict, compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic, are especially significant in the field of critical care for adults and the management of intensive care departments in NW Syria hospitals. Despite the important role the incentive care units in these hospitals play, unfortunately the majority of their medical staff have not received formal training in relevant fields and do not have adequate access to academic resources to compensate for gaps in knowledge and skills.

The majority of current ICUs allied health staff are still largely drawn from nursing background with ICU experience limited to on short time training provided by individuals serving as heads of these unites. This training focuses on the use and care of different medical devices, critical drugs dosing, and basic procedures and care of patients. These cadres are employed under the name of intensive care technician. With the increase in the number of admissions to intensive care units due to the conflict and COVID pandemic, the need for highly sophisticated support and monitoring methodologies, and an occupancy rate reaching 100% frequently, the need for more qualified staff and better training models has become essential for quality care of the patients.

SAMS would like to put into practice evidence-based intervention to fill the gap in qualified allied health professionals in the field of critical care and to enhance the capacity of the ICU current staff through the development and provision of a specialized nursing academic diploma in the field of Adult Critical Care to be implemented in northern Syria.

This initiative will include the development of an Adults ICU curriculum (theoretical and clinical) by a technical consultant who will be recruited to conduct an assessment for medical education in the field of ICU nursing during a period of 6 months with the following tasks/deliverables:
Thank you!
A 0


Oct 16, 2022
Reaction score
2 years of service
Adult ICU Nursing Program/Medical Education Consultant

1. Background

The Syrian American Medical Society Foundation (SAMS) is a non-profit, non-political, medical relief organization, with a mission to provide lifesaving healthcare services and to revitalize health systems for refugees populations, internally displaced persons, and vulnerable host community members in countries affected by conflicts and other disasters. SAMS implements an integrated model of essential and specialized health services that emphasizes priority needs and specialized interventions, including medical education, professional training, and financial support to healthcare workers in Syria and beyond.

Since 2014, SAMS has been providing educational and training opportunities to our medical personnel working in Syria to address the gap in healthcare workforce and services and ensure that physicians and allied health staff are up-to-date with the latest developments and innovations in the field of medicine.

2. Purpose and specifications:

The growing medical needs due to Syria ongoing conflict, compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic, are especially significant in the field of critical care for adults and the management of intensive care departments in NW Syria hospitals. Despite the important role the incentive care units in these hospitals play, unfortunately the majority of their medical staff have not received formal training in relevant fields and do not have adequate access to academic resources to compensate for gaps in knowledge and skills.

The majority of current ICUs allied health staff are still largely drawn from nursing background with ICU experience limited to on short time training provided by individuals serving as heads of these unites. This training focuses on the use and care of different medical devices, critical drugs dosing, and basic procedures and care of patients. These cadres are employed under the name of intensive care technician. With the increase in the number of admissions to intensive care units due to the conflict and COVID pandemic, the need for highly sophisticated support and monitoring methodologies, and an occupancy rate reaching 100% frequently, the need for more qualified staff and better training models has become essential for quality care of the patients.

SAMS would like to put into practice evidence-based intervention to fill the gap in qualified allied health professionals in the field of critical care and to enhance the capacity of the ICU current staff through the development and provision of a specialized nursing academic diploma in the field of Adult Critical Care to be implemented in northern Syria.

This initiative will include the development of an Adults ICU curriculum (theoretical and clinical) by a technical consultant who will be recruited to conduct an assessment for medical education in the field of ICU nursing during a period of 6 months with the following tasks/deliverables:
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