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I was hoping people would recognize the video as part of a set or collection of videos/content featuring the two. Bit of a longshot, but I figured it was possible considering the video itself seemed to be a cut version of an original.
Nakita ko lang to sa bobo ako mga boss. Parang putol yung video kaya iniisip ko merong full set to. Pa ID naman mga sirs o kaya kung may full set kayo diyan baka naman hehe
Nakita ko lang to sa bobo ako mga boss. Parang putol yung video kaya iniisip ko merong full set to. Pa ID naman mga sirs o kaya kung may full set kayo diyan baka naman hehe
Nakita ko lang to sa bobo ako mga boss. Parang putol yung video kaya iniisip ko merong full set to. Pa ID naman mga sirs o kaya kung may full set kayo diyan baka naman hehe