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Love Horoscope (October 18 2014)

copro14 0


Oct 10, 2014
Reaction score
10 years of service
There could be a little controversy in your day, but the possibilities of true communication are also enhanced. You and your loved one may find it hard to agree on anything today. It may mean that you both have to change hardening attitudes before you can have that proper conversation. But if you can attempt this you will really notice some remarkable differences, and fairly quickly at that.

You may find it particularly difficult to persuade your loved one to see your point of view today. You can talk until you are blue in the face, but if they insist on stubbornly sticking to certain principles, then neither of you will get anywhere. It may need a little lateral thinking to solve this dilemma, yet an answer is surprisingly close at hand!

You might need to be particularly careful about how you express yourself today. There is a danger that in trying to impress someone you are hoping to date, you may keep certain essential pieces of information secret, while talking endlessly about a whole lot of things that have little if any relevance. It would be better to speak from your heart.

In asserting that you know best, and have all the answers, you may be doing yourself a disfavor as far as relationships are concerned. Your partner may have a far better solution to the problem than you, but pride is stopping you from taking advantage of their superior wisdom. If you can bear to listen, you may hear something that is of real value.

Today you might find yourself in a delicate situation. You could be forced to admit something that you have been trying to keep a secret, even from yourself. An event may spark off a conflict, which means you have to begin by admitting the truth to all of those who may need to know. Immediately you will begin to feel much better.

You may get that uneasy feeling today, although you are not quite sure what exactly is making you feel suspicious. You will definitely feel a need to investigate some kind of nagging doubt. The more your loved one professes their innocence, the more you are unsure. The truth is there is probably no need to worry, but you need to talk to reach that understanding.

The energy of the day seems to encourage you to be even more secretive and obtuse. You know that your sugar honey hates it when you get into one of those moods, and act like a hermit crab locked away in your own little shell. So what will it take for you to snap out of it and start communicating again? Perhaps a withdrawal of certain special favors!

If your loved one does not seem very forthcoming today, dont despair. The mood will not last. They need to mull a few things over before they can explain to you what exactly is going on in their head. Just because you usually blurt out everything that springs to mind without thinking doesnt mean that others necessarily follow the same pattern.

The energy of the day could either enhance the current love relationship you are enjoying, or encourage a step-by-step withdrawal. The key is talking, but this may not be as easy as it sounds, because both of you need to drop your defenses and start relating from the heart. Expressing why you may be hurt, rather than pretending you arent will really help.

You may have to find some time to sit down with your sugar honey for one of those cozy chats. You both have things to say to each other that you have needed to talk about for some time. Take advantage of this opportunity to open up your hearts and truly speak about any issues that are bothering you. You wont regret it.

It will be easier for you today to be aloof and withdrawn, rather than having the courage to say what is really on your mind. You may prefer to try and push the real issues that are bothering you out of your mind, but this is only creating a difficult atmosphere. For your own emotional health, it is better to let it all out.

Paranoia may be rife today. For everything that seems so certain, there is the feeling that something else is being kept a secret. Both you and your sugar honey need to tackle this today, before it escalates. Talking may help to relieve the tension, and give both of you the chance to explain what is really going on, which may make things easier.
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