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MEDIAFIRE Internet Download Manager 6.41.2 (Repack) [Pre-Activated]

Z 0


Sep 24, 2021
Reaction score
3 years of service

Internet Download Manager (Repack) is a program designed to organize file downloads from the Internet. Various methods to speed up downloads, dynamic file segmentation and simultaneous download of several parts, the use of free open connections without reconnect, and much more. Built-in dialer for scheduled connections, support for firewalls, proxies and mirrors, FTP and HTTP protocols, redirects, cookies, download queues, user authorization.
Integrates into Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, MSN Explorer, AOL, Opera, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Avant Browser, MyIE2, etc. and automatically intercepts downloads. Often increases download speed by 500%. On the program page there are diagrams of tests with other download managers.
In addition, it allows you to download video content (FLV) from services such as YouTube, Google Video, MySpaceTV.

Internet Download Manager repack features:

1. Does not require registration (pawel97 patch + keygen ADMIN@CRACK)
2. Multilingual interface (including Russian)
3. Optional installation of 35 additional toolbars
4. Optional installation of IDM Backup Manager
5. Selection during installation of some options programs:
- Launch IDM when the computer boots
- Launch the IE browser control module
- Show categories
6. Minor editing of the program menu
7. Ability to install Glyfz 2016, iOS Line, Windows 10 modifications (in addition to the additional toolbar,
category icons, dialog icons and main program icon)
8. Picks up settings from an external settings.reg file
9. Ability to pick up and auto-copy custom toolbars from the toolbars folder, if one
is nearby during installation, and it is also possible to autorun the toolbars.exe file, which may contain
custom toolbars in the sfx archive.
10. In addition to installation, the "Update" mode is provided, in which only the files of
the new version are unpacked, WITHOUT any additional actions of the installer, changing user settings, entries
in the registry (with the exception of several keys with the updated version number), installation of additional components.


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ok pa to sir ?
W 0


Jul 24, 2022
Reaction score
3 years of service

Internet Download Manager (Repack) is a program designed to organize file downloads from the Internet. Various methods to speed up downloads, dynamic file segmentation and simultaneous download of several parts, the use of free open connections without reconnect, and much more. Built-in dialer for scheduled connections, support for firewalls, proxies and mirrors, FTP and HTTP protocols, redirects, cookies, download queues, user authorization.
Integrates into Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, MSN Explorer, AOL, Opera, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Avant Browser, MyIE2, etc. and automatically intercepts downloads. Often increases download speed by 500%. On the program page there are diagrams of tests with other download managers.
In addition, it allows you to download video content (FLV) from services such as YouTube, Google Video, MySpaceTV.

Internet Download Manager repack features:

1. Does not require registration (pawel97 patch + keygen ADMIN@CRACK)
2. Multilingual interface (including Russian)
3. Optional installation of 35 additional toolbars
4. Optional installation of IDM Backup Manager
5. Selection during installation of some options programs:
- Launch IDM when the computer boots
- Launch the IE browser control module
- Show categories
6. Minor editing of the program menu
7. Ability to install Glyfz 2016, iOS Line, Windows 10 modifications (in addition to the additional toolbar,
category icons, dialog icons and main program icon)
8. Picks up settings from an external settings.reg file
9. Ability to pick up and auto-copy custom toolbars from the toolbars folder, if one
is nearby during installation, and it is also possible to autorun the toolbars.exe file, which may contain
custom toolbars in the sfx archive.
10. In addition to installation, the "Update" mode is provided, in which only the files of
the new version are unpacked, WITHOUT any additional actions of the installer, changing user settings, entries
in the registry (with the exception of several keys with the updated version number), installation of additional components.


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Pa-test boss idol, thank you.
M 0


Nov 6, 2020
Reaction score
4 years of service

Internet Download Manager (Repack) is a program designed to organize file downloads from the Internet. Various methods to speed up downloads, dynamic file segmentation and simultaneous download of several parts, the use of free open connections without reconnect, and much more. Built-in dialer for scheduled connections, support for firewalls, proxies and mirrors, FTP and HTTP protocols, redirects, cookies, download queues, user authorization.
Integrates into Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, MSN Explorer, AOL, Opera, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Avant Browser, MyIE2, etc. and automatically intercepts downloads. Often increases download speed by 500%. On the program page there are diagrams of tests with other download managers.
In addition, it allows you to download video content (FLV) from services such as YouTube, Google Video, MySpaceTV.

Internet Download Manager repack features:

1. Does not require registration (pawel97 patch + keygen ADMIN@CRACK)
2. Multilingual interface (including Russian)
3. Optional installation of 35 additional toolbars
4. Optional installation of IDM Backup Manager
5. Selection during installation of some options programs:
- Launch IDM when the computer boots
- Launch the IE browser control module
- Show categories
6. Minor editing of the program menu
7. Ability to install Glyfz 2016, iOS Line, Windows 10 modifications (in addition to the additional toolbar,
category icons, dialog icons and main program icon)
8. Picks up settings from an external settings.reg file
9. Ability to pick up and auto-copy custom toolbars from the toolbars folder, if one
is nearby during installation, and it is also possible to autorun the toolbars.exe file, which may contain
custom toolbars in the sfx archive.
10. In addition to installation, the "Update" mode is provided, in which only the files of
the new version are unpacked, WITHOUT any additional actions of the installer, changing user settings, entries
in the registry (with the exception of several keys with the updated version number), installation of additional components.


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patest boss ... thank you!
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