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I'm looking for new manhwa to read.

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Omniscient Reader "isekai manhwa" (highly recommend)
The story revolves around the character Dokja Kim, who finds himself reading his favorite web novel Three Ways to Survive the Apocalypse (and seemingly the only one left doing so). One day, the web novel ends, and the author thanks Dokja Kim by sending him a gift (a copy of the web novel) and letting him know that his series will become paid content at 7 PM. At 7 PM, Dokja's favorite series comes to life and becomes his new reality. He's thrust into this new reality headfirst along with his work colleague Sangah Yu with the goal of completing the scenarios that are given by the Dokkaebi that appears. These scenarios are streamed to constellations who can sponsor people with coins and gifts to help them progress through the scenarios. Later on, he finds out that not only has his reality changed, he also finds out that the main character of the web novel Yoo Joonghyuk is also there. Yoo Joonghyuk is what you would call a regressor, as in when they die they regress back to the start. Knowing this, Dokja must also keep Yoo Joonghyuk alive as if he is killed, the world could potentially restart and Dokja may not be in it. With the main goal of surviving the scenarios, Dokja continues on living in this new reality of his. Using his knowledge of the web novel, Dokja finds the best ways to go through the scenarios and manipulate them to the way he wants so he can get the ending that he wants.

There is also a skill system in which everyone has their own skills, which can be upgraded by using coins and other means. They are also given their own special attributes. Individuals can also be given specific skills from constellations that can sponsor them. They can also use items that can benefit them such as consumables and weapons.

The characters in Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint are just fantastic. They're all pretty well developed, and (so far) no annoying characters whatsoever. It's always nice to see even side characters get some great development and seem interesting. I'll talk about a few of the characters in the series briefly since I don't want to give away too much.

Dokja Kim is the main character of this series. He's a friendly individual, but if it comes to it he can be cold as well. He uses his knowledge of the web novel to help him survive the scenarios. This knowledge is used in interesting ways and keeps the series fresh in my opinion.

Yoo Joonghyuk is one of the main characters of this series. He was the main character of Three Ways To Survive the Apocalypse and is currently in Dokja's world. He is a cold-hearted character who is hell-bent on getting through the scenarios.

Sangah Yu is also one of the main characters of this series. She was Dokja's work colleague. She is an empathetic character with the capability to get things done if needed.

This series has some insanely good art. In my opinion, it even has some of the best art in the webtoon world (from the webtoons I've read so far). Every scene just looks fantastic, and well colored (still surprised at how some series are full color and drawn so well). The art continually gets better as the series goes on (not that it was bad at first) and sometimes the scenes stun me with how awesome they look.

Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint is, in my opinion, a must-read. It's a story that's well written, has a fantastic cast of characters with great development, art that is just stunning at times, some good world building, a cool skill system, a journey that just keeps on giving, and most of all it's fun. The time invested in this series won't be wasted. It stands out in the medium as one of the greats. Whenever I think it can't get better, it makes sure to let me know that I was wrong. It's one of my personal favorites, and hopefully it'll be one of yours.

Tower of God (not isekai but i'll recommend this!) also may anime na to sir

Tower of God is what I would describe both as King of Webtoons and the One Piece of Webtoons, and for an obvious reason. It has easily one of the best writing and most well-executed story which can even give "One Piece" a run for its money. I don't say that lightly; I will make sure to cover everything, which makes me feel that way. I am gonna go as deep as possible when it comes to Tower of God. To hopefully make you all see why I love it so damn much. It starts so simple and straight forward to but evolves into something more with each passing chapter. Not only does it have one of the most in-depth and alive world-building I've ever come across. When I say active, I mean that everything any characters does somehow reflects the entire world, and we see it highly in-depth. It's not something that goes on in the background. Since you see the process up to that point. Of course, not every detail is covered, but just enough to give you a sense of realism about the world. It gives you a better understanding of how it works and runs. All of the sides, the nasty and darker side, and the brighter side of the Tower. It's done in such a way that it's both addicting and exciting at the same time, and you can't enough once it goes there. So, you have a lot to look forward to as you dive this grand and impressive story.
You simply have no idea what awaits on the other side. It's so well structured and organized, that I feel like we get enough of everything, so I don't have any issues such as its feel too fast or slow. It fits my norm spot-on, and I can't get enough of its world and characters. "Tower of God" in my eyes is truly the "One Piece" of webtoon; I don't know how to put it simpler than that. If you know my love for "One Piece." Then you should be aware that those words mean a lot more than you might think, and you should take it for granted because I don't say them carelessly. To top it all of, it has one of the most astounding and complicated powers I have ever seen. At the start of the massive adventure. We are first introduced to Bam and Rachel. Both are living happily untill one day, Rachel decides to go into the tower to have her life-long wish fulfilled. Bam desperately follows the girl hoping to one day become reunited with her once more. At face value, it seems like a love story between the two with the end goal being their beautiful and happily ever after the reunion. I won't judge you since I thought that as well going into the story first. Boy, I couldn't be more wrong. I just wanna let you know that Rachel and Bam's relationship is more than a mere romance you actually see everywhere nowadays. Not to mention, if that was all the story was about.

How would ToG bring me to the point of calling it a gem? I wouldn't go into the journey with that mindset. Keep your mind open, and just enjoy the ride. It's long-running, so better expect it takes a while to really take off. It took me a bit further in season 1 to get really hooked. After I just fell in love with it more and more. Now a good point to bring up is that any story with long-running will have its lows, and that's just how it is. You won't be wowed right from the getgo and will have to keep climbing the tower for that ultimate damn blissful payoff. It's a great ride, but you have to give it time to do the introductory and establishing a basic plot and setting. It's a story with an overwhelming amount of variables. That goes for the large set of characters as well. Let me also throw in that there are more than two and even three main characters. Tower of God has three times the content of One Piece, and that's not to be taken as a joke.

Nevertheless, Tower of God does follow a pattern, which goes out on climbing the tower. To get access to the next floor, our cast has to take many tests, and a final exam of some sort than can move up. In the case of One Piece, you sail to an Island beat up the bad guys and move on. That said, it's all about the nitty-gritty details, execution. How the author sets the story and progressively adds other variables and elements to make it a lot more compelling and complex. The first part is what I would consider the East Blue from One Piece of Tower of God before the actual meat of the story starts in the second season. Don't get me wrong the first season is not bad by any means. It's just that the next portion is a massive cut above and then some. Tower of God just gets progressively better and better and never lets up. That's what I am trying to get across here. At first, it gives you a feeling of both One Piece and Hunter x Hunter in some shape and form. But at one point, Tower of God simply becomes it's own thing, genuinely unique and fresh. Not a carbon copy of anything.

I don't wanna reveal too much about the story, but let me at least give some clarification to the tower. There are three sides to the tower in total. One of which you could consider equal to both America combined and mind you that's just one floor. To go much deeper, there is a ton of shit hiding in the shadows, secrets, nasty work like human trafficking, tons of different cultures, races, and so much more. Some of this should be just left alone and not let your curiosity control your judgment, or you might be in all kinds of pain for sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. It also relies on intriguing politics. As our group moves closer to the top, you will see a different kind of experiences and tests. These tests are always unique and creative. It could tell you something about a character. SIU-sensei uses it to explore the psyche of a person to really make you understand them. He is a really brilliant author who uses foreshadowing in the same light as the highly acclaimed Oda-sensei. This is for your eyes, fellow readers, and watchers of Tower of God. SIU-sensei already foreshadowed something with Bam during his test with the steel eel in that curious water.

I hope you understand what I am getting at, but these are one of the few examples. So do keep your eyes peeled for that dialogue and subtle details since it can be SIU-sensei's next direction, and you really never know. Like Hunter x Hunter, this webtoon also makes use of power that in some cases can be quite similar. It's known as Shinsoo first and foremost, and it's very complex to understand. I can reveal that's formed us of the usual water, but it can literally do anything. Of course, there are repercussions, but if you can manipulate this mysterious substance, all of your fantasies can come to a realization. To become immortal, fly, create beings, and so forth. It can literally give you the power of a cosmic entity. It's only touched upon lightly, but Shinshoo is heart and soul of the tower and gets brought up many times through the journey. SIU-sensei does a great job of developing this power, revealing its many incredible mysteries slowly in a tasteful manner. We are so far in the story, but I doubt we know everything there is to know about Shinsoo just yet. There are many details I left out about Shinsoo, which can easily become an essay on its own. When it comes to the art-style of Tower of God, it's not exactly the best thing you have ever seen. Well, at first anyway. It starts out looking rough around the edges, but with each passing chapter becomes more and more refined looking.

Untill it might just blow everything else to kingdom-come. If you know about Solo Leveling, then definitely keep in mind that the art of Tower of God gets to that level or even beyond. SIU-sensei is still improving to this day. It's absolutely astounding. Let's not forget it's colored top-to-bottom. Making it even more impressive, SIU-sensei can keep this kind of detail weekly without cutting corners. It's so clear right from the getgo that SIU-sensei draws with lots of love and care. The proof is the fact he just keeps on improving, and his art-style is definitely his own and very unique. He can create all kinds of unique looking figures and facial expressions. Even his comedy game is top-notch and makes me easily burst out in laughter. As he keeps on writing, not only the drawing techniques, but shadowing, and how he adds effects gets more robust and precise. Many times I have been able to clearly visualize how a fight goes on just by the art-style alone. On top of it all, at one point, ToG usual page count for chapters wavers between 120-140+ or goes even higher sometimes. It's even more impressive since each page is packed with a ton of rich, making more than good enough progress.

As always, once you first dive into any piece of literature or media, the character doesn't seem all that much. You have yet to see any flaws or the good about them. You don't know if you like or hate them. Nothing is definite at first. Don't worry tho, without going too much into spoilers, the Bam then and now is entirely different. If there is one thing people might not like about Tower of God, it might be Bam. He comes off as naive and doesn't think before he acts. He lacks a proper grasp of emotions and don't know what's right or wrong. This all makes sense when you realize where he has been living for who knows how long. That said, eventually, he does grow up and becomes much more likable. It's evident in his actions and personality. He feels more alive now and dynamic, all of the growth he went through shows that. Not only him, but our massive cast of character is given both of the same. We learn their backstory, flaws, and really come to bond with them. ToG has an incredible ensemble cast that never stops expanding. I can easily name at least 200 names off the top of my head and describe them. So if you don't like Bam. There is someone you still end up loving.

One thing that I really fancy about this story is how male or female alike are equal, and it's not just the male characters who get all the glory or fame. The females are quite strong and formidable, and that makes them all the more likable and the attachment stronger for them. Of course, you will see both the weak and strong sides. Every character is unique. No one is the same as previously established. As for the antagonists, or would it be more accurate to say "villain"? Whatever you prefer, it's easy to see they are well written and from suddenly hating him or her, to liking is just a drop of a hat away. Well, for the most part, there is always that one character you will despise from the bottom of your heart, you wish nothing but misfortune or even death upon them. All said and done. I am willing to confess that despite all of the negative and how many times this said person wanted me to punch the individual face through my monitor. This character is both exciting and enjoyable to read about, and while I hate this person with a strong sense of passion. I won't deny the fact that's it's a well-executed and written character and a villain as well.

What's negative about Tower of God you ask? For me, there is not that much or anything at all. I really don't see anything to pick on. So let's discuss some set of problems any normal people might have. There are already well over 400+ chapters or rather episodes, and it's still on-going today. However, the amount of dialogue and pages is enough to make it seem a lot more than you might think at first. At the very early stage, the chapter pages vary from 50 to 70 or even more than that. What makes this clear is that the chapter page amount will never go below 40 at the very least. However, that's not all. As you continue with the story, the number of pages starts growing. Eventually, the norm becomes around 140 pages at best for one chapter alone.

I personally don't see the issue in this, because it means you have that many pages with lots of high content to look forward with each passing week. Yes! That's right, not only do we have a mind-blowing amount of pages, it's weekly and is released every Monday on the webtoon site. It's completely free to read over there, no annoying ads in your face every second. They are usually at the bottom and never comes to annoy you. So please do consider turning it off so you can support the author and continue reading it completely free. I wanna touch on a rather delicate topic. Please, never let the sole fact about the chapter amount scare you away from any story that might turn out to be excellent. It's a reason there is so much, it's just that well-developed. Tho there are instances where that amount of content just feels like a waste. This is not one of those times. You will be doing your self a disservice by dismissing ToG so lightly. At one point, everyone should give this a try. Another thing to notice is the pacing, which is very slow, even more than One Piece. It takes much time to build and develops characters and the world. Even reading something like 100 chapters is not enough for this kind of fiction. Also, while you might not like the first part, you might end up loving the second part and onward. Do keep in mind that ToG has at least three times the content of One Piece.

In my own experience, I didn't dislike the start. Sure, it was slow, and I didn't understand why it was so beloved by many. But as I kept on reading, I just naturally became hooked. That's why my advice would be to give at a bare minimum, the very first season a read before deciding otherwise. This goes up to chapter 78. If that's not enough, though, the starting arc in season 2 is also a good part of making your judgment and opinion clear before either dropping or continue forward. Lastly, I wanna take up another issue people might have. Yes, it definitely does start out generic, and Bam seems to get everything served on a silver platter. But trust me, you will feel sorry for Bam when you see how incredibly massive the world really is. Not to mention, there is a reason we have the tragedy tag there. What I mean is that don't judge everything by the generic start since shit is barely starting. I don't need to say that Bam won't be smooth sailing to the top without any disturbances hindering his way, right?

All in all, Tower of God is one of a kind webtoon that is both unique and fresh. It boasts a great cast of likable and entertaining characters. A very dense and detailed world-building that never stops and is quite flexible to boot. The power used inside of towers, Shinsoo is well-crafted and one heck of a power, which is comparable or surpasses even Nen from Hunter x Hunter. Just like, Nen it's complex and quite flexible, and as the story unfolds, you will see a much different side to this power. You will see some great action involving it, and much more you can't start to imagine. Lastly, if you ever decide to delve into the world of the webtoons. Tower of God is a masterfully crafted piece of fiction, which I urge everyone to give a try, at least once in your life (as already stated multiple times). If you are a massive fan of One Piece, like me, then this is something that might be for you. If anything, you won't be disappointed if you love One Piece for the same reason as myself. Overall, its a must-read to new and old readers alike. There is still much-untapped potential, and it's still on-going, so who knows what more greatness awaits us in the future inside of that mysterious and vast tower.

Solo Leveling (also not isekai but highly recommend)

Solo Leveling has a rather cliche premise, however fret not dear readers, this premise is done justice with eloquence. As a powerless nobody, Jinwoo is alarmingly transported into a world unbeknownst to him, a power surge of complex unfathomable origin, a mystery in the making. With newfound hope, unwavering resolve, and a vision for the future, Jin Woo set about on his journey and progressed he did, overcoming the odds and soaring the ranks, he learned of the people's struggles, his own purpose, and the fate of the world along the way. He did not succumb to the pressures of the higher echelons, for he forged his own path and showed his worth, taking on the world, fighting with the people's hopes on his back.

A Hero's Struggles:
Jin Woo's struggles can strike deeply into our hearts, the feeling of powerlessness, the desire for strength, the resolve to prove ourselves, and the battle against both ourself and our enemies that sees with it an immense journey. Jin Woo, with Jin Ho by his side, unrelentlessly shakes the world, proves his mettle, and destroys pretentious systems that gatekeep the thriving nova youth. Jin Woo embodies the hope, the power of youth frustrated by society's outdated structures, and with it he becomes a symbol of hope that we too, can take on the world and we too, can fight for what we believe in. His godlike powers bestowed upon him are the answers to his questions, the prize for his pain-staking journey, for he, has been given the light, that beautiful light, that honours him and tells him: your efforts were not in vain. All those struggles in your life were done so for this very moment, so that you can show the whole damn world your hardships were not in vain, now Jin Woo may have had his "cheats", but it is his very soul that allowed him to ascend the seemingly infinite mountain, and our boi stood proud atop it, he had won the war...

What we can learn from Solo Leveling is that complacency is only going to leave you in the dust, crime will be met with karma, and a person's undying resolve to overthrow everything in his way will not be shattered by obstacles inadequately faced off against a man they can't handle. This journey, whilst it had a seemingly stereotypical nature, it excited us readers, it showed us very vividly and from up close Jin Woo's heavenly journey, those he inspired, those he united, and the bonds he had acquired would not be a reflection of plot armour, but validation of his ability to lead the way. The art is also based and if you want that feel good sensation, the tingle when you got peak beauty that is artwork electrifying the page, then look no further, for you shall have your treat. And it's spicy... enjoy reading katzmates! i hope may nagustuhan ka sa sinuggest ko :3
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3rd Account
Sep 23, 2023
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Reincarnation of the suicidal battle god eto maganda din solo leveling din isa sa mga balak ko din isuggest
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Nov 19, 2023
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Omniscient Reader "isekai manhwa" (highly recommend)
The story revolves around the character Dokja Kim, who finds himself reading his favorite web novel Three Ways to Survive the Apocalypse (and seemingly the only one left doing so). One day, the web novel ends, and the author thanks Dokja Kim by sending him a gift (a copy of the web novel) and letting him know that his series will become paid content at 7 PM. At 7 PM, Dokja's favorite series comes to life and becomes his new reality. He's thrust into this new reality headfirst along with his work colleague Sangah Yu with the goal of completing the scenarios that are given by the Dokkaebi that appears. These scenarios are streamed to constellations who can sponsor people with coins and gifts to help them progress through the scenarios. Later on, he finds out that not only has his reality changed, he also finds out that the main character of the web novel Yoo Joonghyuk is also there. Yoo Joonghyuk is what you would call a regressor, as in when they die they regress back to the start. Knowing this, Dokja must also keep Yoo Joonghyuk alive as if he is killed, the world could potentially restart and Dokja may not be in it. With the main goal of surviving the scenarios, Dokja continues on living in this new reality of his. Using his knowledge of the web novel, Dokja finds the best ways to go through the scenarios and manipulate them to the way he wants so he can get the ending that he wants.

There is also a skill system in which everyone has their own skills, which can be upgraded by using coins and other means. They are also given their own special attributes. Individuals can also be given specific skills from constellations that can sponsor them. They can also use items that can benefit them such as consumables and weapons.

The characters in Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint are just fantastic. They're all pretty well developed, and (so far) no annoying characters whatsoever. It's always nice to see even side characters get some great development and seem interesting. I'll talk about a few of the characters in the series briefly since I don't want to give away too much.

Dokja Kim is the main character of this series. He's a friendly individual, but if it comes to it he can be cold as well. He uses his knowledge of the web novel to help him survive the scenarios. This knowledge is used in interesting ways and keeps the series fresh in my opinion.

Yoo Joonghyuk is one of the main characters of this series. He was the main character of Three Ways To Survive the Apocalypse and is currently in Dokja's world. He is a cold-hearted character who is hell-bent on getting through the scenarios.

Sangah Yu is also one of the main characters of this series. She was Dokja's work colleague. She is an empathetic character with the capability to get things done if needed.

This series has some insanely good art. In my opinion, it even has some of the best art in the webtoon world (from the webtoons I've read so far). Every scene just looks fantastic, and well colored (still surprised at how some series are full color and drawn so well). The art continually gets better as the series goes on (not that it was bad at first) and sometimes the scenes stun me with how awesome they look.

Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint is, in my opinion, a must-read. It's a story that's well written, has a fantastic cast of characters with great development, art that is just stunning at times, some good world building, a cool skill system, a journey that just keeps on giving, and most of all it's fun. The time invested in this series won't be wasted. It stands out in the medium as one of the greats. Whenever I think it can't get better, it makes sure to let me know that I was wrong. It's one of my personal favorites, and hopefully it'll be one of yours.

Tower of God (not isekai but i'll recommend this!) also may anime na to sir

Tower of God is what I would describe both as King of Webtoons and the One Piece of Webtoons, and for an obvious reason. It has easily one of the best writing and most well-executed story which can even give "One Piece" a run for its money. I don't say that lightly; I will make sure to cover everything, which makes me feel that way. I am gonna go as deep as possible when it comes to Tower of God. To hopefully make you all see why I love it so damn much. It starts so simple and straight forward to but evolves into something more with each passing chapter. Not only does it have one of the most in-depth and alive world-building I've ever come across. When I say active, I mean that everything any characters does somehow reflects the entire world, and we see it highly in-depth. It's not something that goes on in the background. Since you see the process up to that point. Of course, not every detail is covered, but just enough to give you a sense of realism about the world. It gives you a better understanding of how it works and runs. All of the sides, the nasty and darker side, and the brighter side of the Tower. It's done in such a way that it's both addicting and exciting at the same time, and you can't enough once it goes there. So, you have a lot to look forward to as you dive this grand and impressive story.
You simply have no idea what awaits on the other side. It's so well structured and organized, that I feel like we get enough of everything, so I don't have any issues such as its feel too fast or slow. It fits my norm spot-on, and I can't get enough of its world and characters. "Tower of God" in my eyes is truly the "One Piece" of webtoon; I don't know how to put it simpler than that. If you know my love for "One Piece." Then you should be aware that those words mean a lot more than you might think, and you should take it for granted because I don't say them carelessly. To top it all of, it has one of the most astounding and complicated powers I have ever seen. At the start of the massive adventure. We are first introduced to Bam and Rachel. Both are living happily untill one day, Rachel decides to go into the tower to have her life-long wish fulfilled. Bam desperately follows the girl hoping to one day become reunited with her once more. At face value, it seems like a love story between the two with the end goal being their beautiful and happily ever after the reunion. I won't judge you since I thought that as well going into the story first. Boy, I couldn't be more wrong. I just wanna let you know that Rachel and Bam's relationship is more than a mere romance you actually see everywhere nowadays. Not to mention, if that was all the story was about.

How would ToG bring me to the point of calling it a gem? I wouldn't go into the journey with that mindset. Keep your mind open, and just enjoy the ride. It's long-running, so better expect it takes a while to really take off. It took me a bit further in season 1 to get really hooked. After I just fell in love with it more and more. Now a good point to bring up is that any story with long-running will have its lows, and that's just how it is. You won't be wowed right from the getgo and will have to keep climbing the tower for that ultimate damn blissful payoff. It's a great ride, but you have to give it time to do the introductory and establishing a basic plot and setting. It's a story with an overwhelming amount of variables. That goes for the large set of characters as well. Let me also throw in that there are more than two and even three main characters. Tower of God has three times the content of One Piece, and that's not to be taken as a joke.

Nevertheless, Tower of God does follow a pattern, which goes out on climbing the tower. To get access to the next floor, our cast has to take many tests, and a final exam of some sort than can move up. In the case of One Piece, you sail to an Island beat up the bad guys and move on. That said, it's all about the nitty-gritty details, execution. How the author sets the story and progressively adds other variables and elements to make it a lot more compelling and complex. The first part is what I would consider the East Blue from One Piece of Tower of God before the actual meat of the story starts in the second season. Don't get me wrong the first season is not bad by any means. It's just that the next portion is a massive cut above and then some. Tower of God just gets progressively better and better and never lets up. That's what I am trying to get across here. At first, it gives you a feeling of both One Piece and Hunter x Hunter in some shape and form. But at one point, Tower of God simply becomes it's own thing, genuinely unique and fresh. Not a carbon copy of anything.

I don't wanna reveal too much about the story, but let me at least give some clarification to the tower. There are three sides to the tower in total. One of which you could consider equal to both America combined and mind you that's just one floor. To go much deeper, there is a ton of shit hiding in the shadows, secrets, nasty work like human trafficking, tons of different cultures, races, and so much more. Some of this should be just left alone and not let your curiosity control your judgment, or you might be in all kinds of pain for sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. It also relies on intriguing politics. As our group moves closer to the top, you will see a different kind of experiences and tests. These tests are always unique and creative. It could tell you something about a character. SIU-sensei uses it to explore the psyche of a person to really make you understand them. He is a really brilliant author who uses foreshadowing in the same light as the highly acclaimed Oda-sensei. This is for your eyes, fellow readers, and watchers of Tower of God. SIU-sensei already foreshadowed something with Bam during his test with the steel eel in that curious water.

I hope you understand what I am getting at, but these are one of the few examples. So do keep your eyes peeled for that dialogue and subtle details since it can be SIU-sensei's next direction, and you really never know. Like Hunter x Hunter, this webtoon also makes use of power that in some cases can be quite similar. It's known as Shinsoo first and foremost, and it's very complex to understand. I can reveal that's formed us of the usual water, but it can literally do anything. Of course, there are repercussions, but if you can manipulate this mysterious substance, all of your fantasies can come to a realization. To become immortal, fly, create beings, and so forth. It can literally give you the power of a cosmic entity. It's only touched upon lightly, but Shinshoo is heart and soul of the tower and gets brought up many times through the journey. SIU-sensei does a great job of developing this power, revealing its many incredible mysteries slowly in a tasteful manner. We are so far in the story, but I doubt we know everything there is to know about Shinsoo just yet. There are many details I left out about Shinsoo, which can easily become an essay on its own. When it comes to the art-style of Tower of God, it's not exactly the best thing you have ever seen. Well, at first anyway. It starts out looking rough around the edges, but with each passing chapter becomes more and more refined looking.

Untill it might just blow everything else to kingdom-come. If you know about Solo Leveling, then definitely keep in mind that the art of Tower of God gets to that level or even beyond. SIU-sensei is still improving to this day. It's absolutely astounding. Let's not forget it's colored top-to-bottom. Making it even more impressive, SIU-sensei can keep this kind of detail weekly without cutting corners. It's so clear right from the getgo that SIU-sensei draws with lots of love and care. The proof is the fact he just keeps on improving, and his art-style is definitely his own and very unique. He can create all kinds of unique looking figures and facial expressions. Even his comedy game is top-notch and makes me easily burst out in laughter. As he keeps on writing, not only the drawing techniques, but shadowing, and how he adds effects gets more robust and precise. Many times I have been able to clearly visualize how a fight goes on just by the art-style alone. On top of it all, at one point, ToG usual page count for chapters wavers between 120-140+ or goes even higher sometimes. It's even more impressive since each page is packed with a ton of rich, making more than good enough progress.

As always, once you first dive into any piece of literature or media, the character doesn't seem all that much. You have yet to see any flaws or the good about them. You don't know if you like or hate them. Nothing is definite at first. Don't worry tho, without going too much into spoilers, the Bam then and now is entirely different. If there is one thing people might not like about Tower of God, it might be Bam. He comes off as naive and doesn't think before he acts. He lacks a proper grasp of emotions and don't know what's right or wrong. This all makes sense when you realize where he has been living for who knows how long. That said, eventually, he does grow up and becomes much more likable. It's evident in his actions and personality. He feels more alive now and dynamic, all of the growth he went through shows that. Not only him, but our massive cast of character is given both of the same. We learn their backstory, flaws, and really come to bond with them. ToG has an incredible ensemble cast that never stops expanding. I can easily name at least 200 names off the top of my head and describe them. So if you don't like Bam. There is someone you still end up loving.

One thing that I really fancy about this story is how male or female alike are equal, and it's not just the male characters who get all the glory or fame. The females are quite strong and formidable, and that makes them all the more likable and the attachment stronger for them. Of course, you will see both the weak and strong sides. Every character is unique. No one is the same as previously established. As for the antagonists, or would it be more accurate to say "villain"? Whatever you prefer, it's easy to see they are well written and from suddenly hating him or her, to liking is just a drop of a hat away. Well, for the most part, there is always that one character you will despise from the bottom of your heart, you wish nothing but misfortune or even death upon them. All said and done. I am willing to confess that despite all of the negative and how many times this said person wanted me to punch the individual face through my monitor. This character is both exciting and enjoyable to read about, and while I hate this person with a strong sense of passion. I won't deny the fact that's it's a well-executed and written character and a villain as well.

What's negative about Tower of God you ask? For me, there is not that much or anything at all. I really don't see anything to pick on. So let's discuss some set of problems any normal people might have. There are already well over 400+ chapters or rather episodes, and it's still on-going today. However, the amount of dialogue and pages is enough to make it seem a lot more than you might think at first. At the very early stage, the chapter pages vary from 50 to 70 or even more than that. What makes this clear is that the chapter page amount will never go below 40 at the very least. However, that's not all. As you continue with the story, the number of pages starts growing. Eventually, the norm becomes around 140 pages at best for one chapter alone.

I personally don't see the issue in this, because it means you have that many pages with lots of high content to look forward with each passing week. Yes! That's right, not only do we have a mind-blowing amount of pages, it's weekly and is released every Monday on the webtoon site. It's completely free to read over there, no annoying ads in your face every second. They are usually at the bottom and never comes to annoy you. So please do consider turning it off so you can support the author and continue reading it completely free. I wanna touch on a rather delicate topic. Please, never let the sole fact about the chapter amount scare you away from any story that might turn out to be excellent. It's a reason there is so much, it's just that well-developed. Tho there are instances where that amount of content just feels like a waste. This is not one of those times. You will be doing your self a disservice by dismissing ToG so lightly. At one point, everyone should give this a try. Another thing to notice is the pacing, which is very slow, even more than One Piece. It takes much time to build and develops characters and the world. Even reading something like 100 chapters is not enough for this kind of fiction. Also, while you might not like the first part, you might end up loving the second part and onward. Do keep in mind that ToG has at least three times the content of One Piece.

In my own experience, I didn't dislike the start. Sure, it was slow, and I didn't understand why it was so beloved by many. But as I kept on reading, I just naturally became hooked. That's why my advice would be to give at a bare minimum, the very first season a read before deciding otherwise. This goes up to chapter 78. If that's not enough, though, the starting arc in season 2 is also a good part of making your judgment and opinion clear before either dropping or continue forward. Lastly, I wanna take up another issue people might have. Yes, it definitely does start out generic, and Bam seems to get everything served on a silver platter. But trust me, you will feel sorry for Bam when you see how incredibly massive the world really is. Not to mention, there is a reason we have the tragedy tag there. What I mean is that don't judge everything by the generic start since shit is barely starting. I don't need to say that Bam won't be smooth sailing to the top without any disturbances hindering his way, right?

All in all, Tower of God is one of a kind webtoon that is both unique and fresh. It boasts a great cast of likable and entertaining characters. A very dense and detailed world-building that never stops and is quite flexible to boot. The power used inside of towers, Shinsoo is well-crafted and one heck of a power, which is comparable or surpasses even Nen from Hunter x Hunter. Just like, Nen it's complex and quite flexible, and as the story unfolds, you will see a much different side to this power. You will see some great action involving it, and much more you can't start to imagine. Lastly, if you ever decide to delve into the world of the webtoons. Tower of God is a masterfully crafted piece of fiction, which I urge everyone to give a try, at least once in your life (as already stated multiple times). If you are a massive fan of One Piece, like me, then this is something that might be for you. If anything, you won't be disappointed if you love One Piece for the same reason as myself. Overall, its a must-read to new and old readers alike. There is still much-untapped potential, and it's still on-going, so who knows what more greatness awaits us in the future inside of that mysterious and vast tower.

Solo Leveling (also not isekai but highly recommend)

Solo Leveling has a rather cliche premise, however fret not dear readers, this premise is done justice with eloquence. As a powerless nobody, Jinwoo is alarmingly transported into a world unbeknownst to him, a power surge of complex unfathomable origin, a mystery in the making. With newfound hope, unwavering resolve, and a vision for the future, Jin Woo set about on his journey and progressed he did, overcoming the odds and soaring the ranks, he learned of the people's struggles, his own purpose, and the fate of the world along the way. He did not succumb to the pressures of the higher echelons, for he forged his own path and showed his worth, taking on the world, fighting with the people's hopes on his back.

A Hero's Struggles:
Jin Woo's struggles can strike deeply into our hearts, the feeling of powerlessness, the desire for strength, the resolve to prove ourselves, and the battle against both ourself and our enemies that sees with it an immense journey. Jin Woo, with Jin Ho by his side, unrelentlessly shakes the world, proves his mettle, and destroys pretentious systems that gatekeep the thriving nova youth. Jin Woo embodies the hope, the power of youth frustrated by society's outdated structures, and with it he becomes a symbol of hope that we too, can take on the world and we too, can fight for what we believe in. His godlike powers bestowed upon him are the answers to his questions, the prize for his pain-staking journey, for he, has been given the light, that beautiful light, that honours him and tells him: your efforts were not in vain. All those struggles in your life were done so for this very moment, so that you can show the whole damn world your hardships were not in vain, now Jin Woo may have had his "cheats", but it is his very soul that allowed him to ascend the seemingly infinite mountain, and our boi stood proud atop it, he had won the war...

What we can learn from Solo Leveling is that complacency is only going to leave you in the dust, crime will be met with karma, and a person's undying resolve to overthrow everything in his way will not be shattered by obstacles inadequately faced off against a man they can't handle. This journey, whilst it had a seemingly stereotypical nature, it excited us readers, it showed us very vividly and from up close Jin Woo's heavenly journey, those he inspired, those he united, and the bonds he had acquired would not be a reflection of plot armour, but validation of his ability to lead the way. The art is also based and if you want that feel good sensation, the tingle when you got peak beauty that is artwork electrifying the page, then look no further, for you shall have your treat. And it's spicy... enjoy reading katzmates! i hope may nagustuhan ka sa sinuggest ko :3
Salamat sa recommendations mo paps try ko yung 1st suggest mo eheh
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