Thanks lodsI am posting this software for those who are really knowledgeable in Engineering Structure and for those who seek and know this software.
1. For Structural analysis
GRASP (Graphical Analysis of Structures Program)
(I do recommend this for structural analysis)
- Users friendly interface
- Analysis on structure in a moment with ease
- You will be able to draw the members or truss in nodal lines
- You can customize each member properties
- Printable result (Moments, Shear, Axial Loads, etc..)
2. For Concrete Design
GEAR (General Engineering Assistance and Reference) (Hence: "Reference")
- One-way Slab Design
- Beam and Column designs
- Footing Design
SYS Designer
System Steel Designer
(I definitely recommend these software)
- Wide Flange design (Beams and Colunms)
- Wide range of sizes are available built-in (from round bars to wide flanges)
- Step by step user input and analysis
- easy to use
4. More on structural analysis also
- I haven't use this before.
- Explore it by yourself and tell me about it.