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⌕ Ten years after the events of the first film, Giselle, Robert and Morgan Philip are living happily together and welcome a new baby girl named Sofia. However, life in Manhattan is starting to drag on them, so Giselle makes plans to move the family to a suburbian town known as Monroeville. The moving brings poor first experiences for them: their new house needs to be renovated, Robert has to commute to New York to continue his job, and Morgan feels outcast in her new school. King Edward and Queen Nancy visit from Andalasia and present them with a wish-granting wand. Giselle meets Malvina Monroe, the snooty head of the town council, and learns that she is hosting a fairy tale-themed ball called Monroe-Fest, with Malvina's son Tyson being the ball's elected prince. To help Morgan to fit in, Giselle tries to get her elected as the ball's princess, but ends up unwittingly embarrassing her, for which Morgan angrily calls Giselle "only her stepmother and nothing more". --- ∎ ---
⌕ Ten years after the events of the first film, Giselle, Robert and Morgan Philip are living happily together and welcome a new baby girl named Sofia. However, life in Manhattan is starting to drag on them, so Giselle makes plans to move the family to a suburbian town known as Monroeville. The moving brings poor first experiences for them: their new house needs to be renovated, Robert has to commute to New York to continue his job, and Morgan feels outcast in her new school. King Edward and Queen Nancy visit from Andalasia and present them with a wish-granting wand. Giselle meets Malvina Monroe, the snooty head of the town council, and learns that she is hosting a fairy tale-themed ball called Monroe-Fest, with Malvina's son Tyson being the ball's elected prince. To help Morgan to fit in, Giselle tries to get her elected as the ball's princess, but ends up unwittingly embarrassing her, for which Morgan angrily calls Giselle "only her stepmother and nothing more". --- ∎ ---
⌕ Ten years after the events of the first film, Giselle, Robert and Morgan Philip are living happily together and welcome a new baby girl named Sofia. However, life in Manhattan is starting to drag on them, so Giselle makes plans to move the family to a suburbian town known as Monroeville. The moving brings poor first experiences for them: their new house needs to be renovated, Robert has to commute to New York to continue his job, and Morgan feels outcast in her new school. King Edward and Queen Nancy visit from Andalasia and present them with a wish-granting wand. Giselle meets Malvina Monroe, the snooty head of the town council, and learns that she is hosting a fairy tale-themed ball called Monroe-Fest, with Malvina's son Tyson being the ball's elected prince. To help Morgan to fit in, Giselle tries to get her elected as the ball's princess, but ends up unwittingly embarrassing her, for which Morgan angrily calls Giselle "only her stepmother and nothing more". --- ∎ ---
⌕ Ten years after the events of the first film, Giselle, Robert and Morgan Philip are living happily together and welcome a new baby girl named Sofia. However, life in Manhattan is starting to drag on them, so Giselle makes plans to move the family to a suburbian town known as Monroeville. The moving brings poor first experiences for them: their new house needs to be renovated, Robert has to commute to New York to continue his job, and Morgan feels outcast in her new school. King Edward and Queen Nancy visit from Andalasia and present them with a wish-granting wand. Giselle meets Malvina Monroe, the snooty head of the town council, and learns that she is hosting a fairy tale-themed ball called Monroe-Fest, with Malvina's son Tyson being the ball's elected prince. To help Morgan to fit in, Giselle tries to get her elected as the ball's princess, but ends up unwittingly embarrassing her, for which Morgan angrily calls Giselle "only her stepmother and nothing more". --- ∎ ---