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My current setup:
Gigabyte b450m ds3h v2
R5 3600
Inno3d Rtx 2060 super (not the best cooling system so undervolted to 875mv)
Team group tuf 16gb 3600mhz ram (2x 8gb)
120gb generic sata ssd boot drive
480 gb generic sata ssd
512 gb m.2 oem samsung ssd na minsan nababasa, minsan hindi hehe
My current setup:
Gigabyte b450m ds3h v2
R5 3600
Inno3d Rtx 2060 super (not the best cooling system so undervolted to 875mv)
Team group tuf 16gb 3600mhz ram (2x 8gb)
120gb generic sata ssd boot drive
480 gb generic sata ssd
512 gb m.2 oem samsung ssd na minsan nababasa, minsan hindi hehe
My current setup:
Gigabyte b450m ds3h v2
R5 3600
Inno3d Rtx 2060 super (not the best cooling system so undervolted to 875mv)
Team group tuf 16gb 3600mhz ram (2x 8gb)
120gb generic sata ssd boot drive
480 gb generic sata ssd
512 gb m.2 oem samsung ssd na minsan nababasa, minsan hindi hehe