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Gusto ko rin nito sir kaso hindi na ba talaga sila pwede lagyan ng HDD? hindi pa ko confident sa durability ng current SDDs e. Marami kasi ako kakilala na nasisiraan agad ng SDD.
No, i think that’s not possible. What you can do is use an external HDD para dun mo i save yung files na takot ka mawala incase of damage. But I don’t think usually madali masira yung SSD, it should work really well and those cases could be isolated
ASUS TUF i5-11th/12th gen, Ryzen 5/GTX 1650 Ti. around 49k lang meron ding maganda graphics card na TUF RTX 3090 kaso madadale ka lang sa storage since 512 SSD lang, pero pwede mo lagyan ng SATA or additional SSD para umabot ng 1TB or more