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From the director of comedy movie Patay na si Hesus, Victor Villanueva, comes a sê×ÿ comedy that will give face to the iconic internet sensation of the 2000s, Boy Bastos. Felix, a horny young man meets an alluring woman who will live at his house and teach him S3x 101.
Director: Victor Villanueva
Cast: Wilbert Ross, Rose Van Ginkel, Jela Cuenca, Rob Guinto, Andrew Muhlach, Bob Jbeili, Marissa Sanchez
From the director of comedy movie Patay na si Hesus, Victor Villanueva, comes a sê×ÿ comedy that will give face to the iconic internet sensation of the 2000s, Boy Bastos. Felix, a horny young man meets an alluring woman who will live at his house and teach him S3x 101.
Director: Victor Villanueva
Cast: Wilbert Ross, Rose Van Ginkel, Jela Cuenca, Rob Guinto, Andrew Muhlach, Bob Jbeili, Marissa Sanchez
From the director of comedy movie Patay na si Hesus, Victor Villanueva, comes a sê×ÿ comedy that will give face to the iconic internet sensation of the 2000s, Boy Bastos. Felix, a horny young man meets an alluring woman who will live at his house and teach him S3x 101.
Director: Victor Villanueva
Cast: Wilbert Ross, Rose Van Ginkel, Jela Cuenca, Rob Guinto, Andrew Muhlach, Bob Jbeili, Marissa Sanchez
From the director of comedy movie Patay na si Hesus, Victor Villanueva, comes a sê×ÿ comedy that will give face to the iconic internet sensation of the 2000s, Boy Bastos. Felix, a horny young man meets an alluring woman who will live at his house and teach him S3x 101.
Director: Victor Villanueva
Cast: Wilbert Ross, Rose Van Ginkel, Jela Cuenca, Rob Guinto, Andrew Muhlach, Bob Jbeili, Marissa Sanchez
From the director of comedy movie Patay na si Hesus, Victor Villanueva, comes a sê×ÿ comedy that will give face to the iconic internet sensation of the 2000s, Boy Bastos. Felix, a horny young man meets an alluring woman who will live at his house and teach him S3x 101.
Director: Victor Villanueva
Cast: Wilbert Ross, Rose Van Ginkel, Jela Cuenca, Rob Guinto, Andrew Muhlach, Bob Jbeili, Marissa Sanchez
From the director of comedy movie Patay na si Hesus, Victor Villanueva, comes a sê×ÿ comedy that will give face to the iconic internet sensation of the 2000s, Boy Bastos. Felix, a horny young man meets an alluring woman who will live at his house and teach him S3x 101.
Director: Victor Villanueva
Cast: Wilbert Ross, Rose Van Ginkel, Jela Cuenca, Rob Guinto, Andrew Muhlach, Bob Jbeili, Marissa Sanchez