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Action Birds of Prey : The Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn (2020) 1080p x265

B 0


Aug 9, 2021
Reaction score
4 years of service
Birds of Prey (2020 film)

Four years after the defeat of the
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breaks up with
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, throwing her out on the
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streets. She is taken in by Doc, the owner of a Taiwanese restaurant, and recovers from her relationship by cutting her hair, adopting a
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(whom she names after
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), and taking up
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Harley gets drunk at a
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owned by
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, a ruthless crime lord, and cripples his driver after said driver insults her. She meets burlesque singer
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, who later rescues an intoxicated Harley from an attempted abduction. Sionis is impressed by Dinah's fighting skills and appoints her as his new driver. The next night, Harley blows up the Ace Chemicals plant as a way to publicly announce her breakup with Joker. Meanwhile,
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investigates a series of mob killings carried out by a
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-wielding vigilante. Finding Harley's necklace at the scene of the Ace Chemicals explosion, Montoya notes that Harley is in danger without the Joker's protection. She tries to recruit Dinah as an informant, but Dinah rejects the offer.

Sionis sends Dinah and his sadistic right-hand-man
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to retrieve a diamond embedded with the account numbers to the fortune of the Bertinelli crime family, who were massacred years ago. Young pickpocket
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steals the diamond from Zsasz and swallows it after she is arrested. Harley, fleeing from Montoya and several other people she had wronged, is captured by Sionis's men. Zsasz informs Sionis that Cassandra has the diamond, and Dinah warns Montoya. Sionis kidnaps and makes Harley recover the diamond for him, under the threat of death. Sionis agrees but also places a bounty on Cassandra. Breaking into the GCPD with a variety of
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, Harley frees Cassandra and the pair escape.

After escaping, Harley and Cassandra bond while hiding out at the former's apartment. Doc is approached for information by the "crossbow killer", who is revealed to be
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. Having survived her family's massacre and becoming trained as an assassin, Helena has been targeting each of the gangsters responsible for her family's murders, preferring the moniker of "The Huntress". Harley's apartment is later bombed by criminals looking for Cassandra, and Doc sorrowfully reveals that he sold Harley out. Harley calls Sionis and offers to turn Cassandra over in exchange for his protection, agreeing to meet at an abandoned amusement park. Dinah notifies Montoya of the rendezvous, but her betrayal is noticed by Zsasz, who informs Sionis. A devastated Sionis dons his ritualistic mask from which he gets his
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, "Black Mask".

At the park, Montoya confronts Harley, but Harley knocks her out of a window. Zsasz arrives and tranquilizes Harley before holding Dinah at gunpoint, but he is killed by Helena, who reveals Zsasz was the last of her family's killers. Montoya returns and a stand-off ensues until they realize Sionis has arrived with a small army of masked criminals, known collectively as the
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. Using Harley's old gear, the makeshift team successfully withstand and repel their attack. During the battle, Cassandra is captured by Sionis, while Dinah reveals her
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ability of supersonic-level screaming, defeating a number of Sionis' mobsters. Harley gives chase on roller skates, and with assistance from Helena, the pair pursue Sionis. At a nearby pier, the final confrontation occurs. Sionis prepares to kill Cassandra, but she pulls the ring from a grenade that she slipped in his jacket after taking it from Harley's weapons chest earlier. Harley throws Sionis off the pier just before the grenade detonates, killing him.

In the aftermath of destroying Sionis's criminal empire, Montoya quits the GCPD. Using the money within the accounts hidden inside the diamond, Helena joins with Dinah and Montoya in establishing a team of
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called the
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. Harley and Cassandra escape, selling the diamond itself to a pawn shop and starting their own business.

In a
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, Harley is about to reveal a secret about
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but the film ends mid-sentence.


For more drop by lang and hanapin natin sa ating baul.

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[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]1243
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Thanks TS
D 0


Dec 4, 2020
Reaction score
4 years of service
Birds of Prey (2020 film)

Four years after the defeat of the
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breaks up with
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, throwing her out on the
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streets. She is taken in by Doc, the owner of a Taiwanese restaurant, and recovers from her relationship by cutting her hair, adopting a
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(whom she names after
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), and taking up
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Harley gets drunk at a
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owned by
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
, a ruthless crime lord, and cripples his driver after said driver insults her. She meets burlesque singer
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, who later rescues an intoxicated Harley from an attempted abduction. Sionis is impressed by Dinah's fighting skills and appoints her as his new driver. The next night, Harley blows up the Ace Chemicals plant as a way to publicly announce her breakup with Joker. Meanwhile,
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investigates a series of mob killings carried out by a
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-wielding vigilante. Finding Harley's necklace at the scene of the Ace Chemicals explosion, Montoya notes that Harley is in danger without the Joker's protection. She tries to recruit Dinah as an informant, but Dinah rejects the offer.

Sionis sends Dinah and his sadistic right-hand-man
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to retrieve a diamond embedded with the account numbers to the fortune of the Bertinelli crime family, who were massacred years ago. Young pickpocket
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steals the diamond from Zsasz and swallows it after she is arrested. Harley, fleeing from Montoya and several other people she had wronged, is captured by Sionis's men. Zsasz informs Sionis that Cassandra has the diamond, and Dinah warns Montoya. Sionis kidnaps and makes Harley recover the diamond for him, under the threat of death. Sionis agrees but also places a bounty on Cassandra. Breaking into the GCPD with a variety of
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, Harley frees Cassandra and the pair escape.

After escaping, Harley and Cassandra bond while hiding out at the former's apartment. Doc is approached for information by the "crossbow killer", who is revealed to be
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. Having survived her family's massacre and becoming trained as an assassin, Helena has been targeting each of the gangsters responsible for her family's murders, preferring the moniker of "The Huntress". Harley's apartment is later bombed by criminals looking for Cassandra, and Doc sorrowfully reveals that he sold Harley out. Harley calls Sionis and offers to turn Cassandra over in exchange for his protection, agreeing to meet at an abandoned amusement park. Dinah notifies Montoya of the rendezvous, but her betrayal is noticed by Zsasz, who informs Sionis. A devastated Sionis dons his ritualistic mask from which he gets his
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, "Black Mask".

At the park, Montoya confronts Harley, but Harley knocks her out of a window. Zsasz arrives and tranquilizes Harley before holding Dinah at gunpoint, but he is killed by Helena, who reveals Zsasz was the last of her family's killers. Montoya returns and a stand-off ensues until they realize Sionis has arrived with a small army of masked criminals, known collectively as the
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. Using Harley's old gear, the makeshift team successfully withstand and repel their attack. During the battle, Cassandra is captured by Sionis, while Dinah reveals her
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ability of supersonic-level screaming, defeating a number of Sionis' mobsters. Harley gives chase on roller skates, and with assistance from Helena, the pair pursue Sionis. At a nearby pier, the final confrontation occurs. Sionis prepares to kill Cassandra, but she pulls the ring from a grenade that she slipped in his jacket after taking it from Harley's weapons chest earlier. Harley throws Sionis off the pier just before the grenade detonates, killing him.

In the aftermath of destroying Sionis's criminal empire, Montoya quits the GCPD. Using the money within the accounts hidden inside the diamond, Helena joins with Dinah and Montoya in establishing a team of
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called the
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. Harley and Cassandra escape, selling the diamond itself to a pawn shop and starting their own business.

In a
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, Harley is about to reveal a secret about
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but the film ends mid-sentence.


For more drop by lang and hanapin natin sa ating baul.

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[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]1243
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thank you po
B 0


Aug 23, 2021
Reaction score
4 years of service
Birds of Prey (2020 film)

Four years after the defeat of the
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breaks up with
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, throwing her out on the
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streets. She is taken in by Doc, the owner of a Taiwanese restaurant, and recovers from her relationship by cutting her hair, adopting a
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(whom she names after
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), and taking up
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Harley gets drunk at a
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owned by
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
, a ruthless crime lord, and cripples his driver after said driver insults her. She meets burlesque singer
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, who later rescues an intoxicated Harley from an attempted abduction. Sionis is impressed by Dinah's fighting skills and appoints her as his new driver. The next night, Harley blows up the Ace Chemicals plant as a way to publicly announce her breakup with Joker. Meanwhile,
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investigates a series of mob killings carried out by a
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-wielding vigilante. Finding Harley's necklace at the scene of the Ace Chemicals explosion, Montoya notes that Harley is in danger without the Joker's protection. She tries to recruit Dinah as an informant, but Dinah rejects the offer.

Sionis sends Dinah and his sadistic right-hand-man
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to retrieve a diamond embedded with the account numbers to the fortune of the Bertinelli crime family, who were massacred years ago. Young pickpocket
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steals the diamond from Zsasz and swallows it after she is arrested. Harley, fleeing from Montoya and several other people she had wronged, is captured by Sionis's men. Zsasz informs Sionis that Cassandra has the diamond, and Dinah warns Montoya. Sionis kidnaps and makes Harley recover the diamond for him, under the threat of death. Sionis agrees but also places a bounty on Cassandra. Breaking into the GCPD with a variety of
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, Harley frees Cassandra and the pair escape.

After escaping, Harley and Cassandra bond while hiding out at the former's apartment. Doc is approached for information by the "crossbow killer", who is revealed to be
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. Having survived her family's massacre and becoming trained as an assassin, Helena has been targeting each of the gangsters responsible for her family's murders, preferring the moniker of "The Huntress". Harley's apartment is later bombed by criminals looking for Cassandra, and Doc sorrowfully reveals that he sold Harley out. Harley calls Sionis and offers to turn Cassandra over in exchange for his protection, agreeing to meet at an abandoned amusement park. Dinah notifies Montoya of the rendezvous, but her betrayal is noticed by Zsasz, who informs Sionis. A devastated Sionis dons his ritualistic mask from which he gets his
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, "Black Mask".

At the park, Montoya confronts Harley, but Harley knocks her out of a window. Zsasz arrives and tranquilizes Harley before holding Dinah at gunpoint, but he is killed by Helena, who reveals Zsasz was the last of her family's killers. Montoya returns and a stand-off ensues until they realize Sionis has arrived with a small army of masked criminals, known collectively as the
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. Using Harley's old gear, the makeshift team successfully withstand and repel their attack. During the battle, Cassandra is captured by Sionis, while Dinah reveals her
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ability of supersonic-level screaming, defeating a number of Sionis' mobsters. Harley gives chase on roller skates, and with assistance from Helena, the pair pursue Sionis. At a nearby pier, the final confrontation occurs. Sionis prepares to kill Cassandra, but she pulls the ring from a grenade that she slipped in his jacket after taking it from Harley's weapons chest earlier. Harley throws Sionis off the pier just before the grenade detonates, killing him.

In the aftermath of destroying Sionis's criminal empire, Montoya quits the GCPD. Using the money within the accounts hidden inside the diamond, Helena joins with Dinah and Montoya in establishing a team of
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called the
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. Harley and Cassandra escape, selling the diamond itself to a pawn shop and starting their own business.

In a
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, Harley is about to reveal a secret about
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but the film ends mid-sentence.


For more drop by lang and hanapin natin sa ating baul.

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[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]1243
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Thanks dito lods
H 0


Oct 27, 2021
Reaction score
Naic cavite
3 years of service
Birds of Prey (2020 film)

Four years after the defeat of the
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Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
breaks up with
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, throwing her out on the
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streets. She is taken in by Doc, the owner of a Taiwanese restaurant, and recovers from her relationship by cutting her hair, adopting a
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(whom she names after
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), and taking up
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Harley gets drunk at a
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owned by
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
, a ruthless crime lord, and cripples his driver after said driver insults her. She meets burlesque singer
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, who later rescues an intoxicated Harley from an attempted abduction. Sionis is impressed by Dinah's fighting skills and appoints her as his new driver. The next night, Harley blows up the Ace Chemicals plant as a way to publicly announce her breakup with Joker. Meanwhile,
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investigates a series of mob killings carried out by a
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-wielding vigilante. Finding Harley's necklace at the scene of the Ace Chemicals explosion, Montoya notes that Harley is in danger without the Joker's protection. She tries to recruit Dinah as an informant, but Dinah rejects the offer.

Sionis sends Dinah and his sadistic right-hand-man
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to retrieve a diamond embedded with the account numbers to the fortune of the Bertinelli crime family, who were massacred years ago. Young pickpocket
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steals the diamond from Zsasz and swallows it after she is arrested. Harley, fleeing from Montoya and several other people she had wronged, is captured by Sionis's men. Zsasz informs Sionis that Cassandra has the diamond, and Dinah warns Montoya. Sionis kidnaps and makes Harley recover the diamond for him, under the threat of death. Sionis agrees but also places a bounty on Cassandra. Breaking into the GCPD with a variety of
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
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, Harley frees Cassandra and the pair escape.

After escaping, Harley and Cassandra bond while hiding out at the former's apartment. Doc is approached for information by the "crossbow killer", who is revealed to be
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. Having survived her family's massacre and becoming trained as an assassin, Helena has been targeting each of the gangsters responsible for her family's murders, preferring the moniker of "The Huntress". Harley's apartment is later bombed by criminals looking for Cassandra, and Doc sorrowfully reveals that he sold Harley out. Harley calls Sionis and offers to turn Cassandra over in exchange for his protection, agreeing to meet at an abandoned amusement park. Dinah notifies Montoya of the rendezvous, but her betrayal is noticed by Zsasz, who informs Sionis. A devastated Sionis dons his ritualistic mask from which he gets his
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, "Black Mask".

At the park, Montoya confronts Harley, but Harley knocks her out of a window. Zsasz arrives and tranquilizes Harley before holding Dinah at gunpoint, but he is killed by Helena, who reveals Zsasz was the last of her family's killers. Montoya returns and a stand-off ensues until they realize Sionis has arrived with a small army of masked criminals, known collectively as the
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. Using Harley's old gear, the makeshift team successfully withstand and repel their attack. During the battle, Cassandra is captured by Sionis, while Dinah reveals her
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ability of supersonic-level screaming, defeating a number of Sionis' mobsters. Harley gives chase on roller skates, and with assistance from Helena, the pair pursue Sionis. At a nearby pier, the final confrontation occurs. Sionis prepares to kill Cassandra, but she pulls the ring from a grenade that she slipped in his jacket after taking it from Harley's weapons chest earlier. Harley throws Sionis off the pier just before the grenade detonates, killing him.

In the aftermath of destroying Sionis's criminal empire, Montoya quits the GCPD. Using the money within the accounts hidden inside the diamond, Helena joins with Dinah and Montoya in establishing a team of
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called the
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. Harley and Cassandra escape, selling the diamond itself to a pawn shop and starting their own business.

In a
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, Harley is about to reveal a secret about
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but the film ends mid-sentence.


For more drop by lang and hanapin natin sa ating baul.

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[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]1243
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Salamat po sir
H 0


Oct 27, 2021
Reaction score
Naic cavite
3 years of service
Birds of Prey (2020 film)

Four years after the defeat of the
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breaks up with
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, throwing her out on the
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streets. She is taken in by Doc, the owner of a Taiwanese restaurant, and recovers from her relationship by cutting her hair, adopting a
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(whom she names after
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), and taking up
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Harley gets drunk at a
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owned by
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
, a ruthless crime lord, and cripples his driver after said driver insults her. She meets burlesque singer
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, who later rescues an intoxicated Harley from an attempted abduction. Sionis is impressed by Dinah's fighting skills and appoints her as his new driver. The next night, Harley blows up the Ace Chemicals plant as a way to publicly announce her breakup with Joker. Meanwhile,
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investigates a series of mob killings carried out by a
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-wielding vigilante. Finding Harley's necklace at the scene of the Ace Chemicals explosion, Montoya notes that Harley is in danger without the Joker's protection. She tries to recruit Dinah as an informant, but Dinah rejects the offer.

Sionis sends Dinah and his sadistic right-hand-man
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to retrieve a diamond embedded with the account numbers to the fortune of the Bertinelli crime family, who were massacred years ago. Young pickpocket
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steals the diamond from Zsasz and swallows it after she is arrested. Harley, fleeing from Montoya and several other people she had wronged, is captured by Sionis's men. Zsasz informs Sionis that Cassandra has the diamond, and Dinah warns Montoya. Sionis kidnaps and makes Harley recover the diamond for him, under the threat of death. Sionis agrees but also places a bounty on Cassandra. Breaking into the GCPD with a variety of
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, Harley frees Cassandra and the pair escape.

After escaping, Harley and Cassandra bond while hiding out at the former's apartment. Doc is approached for information by the "crossbow killer", who is revealed to be
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. Having survived her family's massacre and becoming trained as an assassin, Helena has been targeting each of the gangsters responsible for her family's murders, preferring the moniker of "The Huntress". Harley's apartment is later bombed by criminals looking for Cassandra, and Doc sorrowfully reveals that he sold Harley out. Harley calls Sionis and offers to turn Cassandra over in exchange for his protection, agreeing to meet at an abandoned amusement park. Dinah notifies Montoya of the rendezvous, but her betrayal is noticed by Zsasz, who informs Sionis. A devastated Sionis dons his ritualistic mask from which he gets his
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, "Black Mask".

At the park, Montoya confronts Harley, but Harley knocks her out of a window. Zsasz arrives and tranquilizes Harley before holding Dinah at gunpoint, but he is killed by Helena, who reveals Zsasz was the last of her family's killers. Montoya returns and a stand-off ensues until they realize Sionis has arrived with a small army of masked criminals, known collectively as the
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. Using Harley's old gear, the makeshift team successfully withstand and repel their attack. During the battle, Cassandra is captured by Sionis, while Dinah reveals her
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ability of supersonic-level screaming, defeating a number of Sionis' mobsters. Harley gives chase on roller skates, and with assistance from Helena, the pair pursue Sionis. At a nearby pier, the final confrontation occurs. Sionis prepares to kill Cassandra, but she pulls the ring from a grenade that she slipped in his jacket after taking it from Harley's weapons chest earlier. Harley throws Sionis off the pier just before the grenade detonates, killing him.

In the aftermath of destroying Sionis's criminal empire, Montoya quits the GCPD. Using the money within the accounts hidden inside the diamond, Helena joins with Dinah and Montoya in establishing a team of
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called the
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. Harley and Cassandra escape, selling the diamond itself to a pawn shop and starting their own business.

In a
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, Harley is about to reveal a secret about
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but the film ends mid-sentence.


For more drop by lang and hanapin natin sa ating baul.

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[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]1243
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Salamat po sir
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