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The software product Autodesk Revit, based on building information modeling (BIM), is intended for the design, construction and management of the operation of high-quality, energy-efficient buildings. Autodesk Revit - a complete solution that combines the possibilities of architectural design, design of engineering systems and building designs and construction simulation (Autodesk Revit Architecture, Autodesk Revit MEP and Autodesk Revit Structure).
Information on the distribution of: The starting material for the creation of the assembly - the original ESD-distribution.
The installer altered under the usual setting (analogously Revit 2021).
Added ability to set Russian libraries without an Internet connection.
/ All other libraries will be downloaded from the Internet when they are selected and are connected /
Added some additions (see. Screenshots).
Appendix Autodesk Licensing replaced with version on 08.08.19, the
Removed applications Autodesk Desktop App, Autodesk Single Sign On Component and Autodesk Genuine Service.
Carried out technical improvements, relieving the end user from a number of problems when installing programs.
Added instructions for installation and activation.
product key 829M1
System requirements: OS:Microsoft® Windows® 10 64-bit/Windows 10 Enterprise/Windows 10 Pro Note:
Microsoft® Windows® 7 SP1 64-bit, Enterprise, Ultimate, and Professional is supported but not recommended.
CPU: -Single- or Multi-Core Intel® Pentium®, Xeon®, or i-Series processor or AMD® equivalent with SSE2 technology. Highest affordable CPU speed rating recommended.
-Autodesk Revit software products will use multiple cores for many tasks, using up to 16 cores for near-photorealistic rendering operations.
Memory: 8 GB RAM Usually sufficient for a typical editing session for a single model up to approximately 100 MB on disk.
-This estimate is based on internal testing and customer reports. Individual models will vary in their use of computer resources and performance characteristics.
-Models created in previous versions of Revit software products may require more available memory for the one-time upgrade process.
Video Display Resolutions: -Minimum:1280 x 1024 with true color
-Maximum:Ultra-High (4k) Definition Monitor
irectX® 11 capable graphics card with Shader Model 3
30 GB free disk space
Year: 2020
Version: 2021 20200917_1545 (x64)
Developer: Autodesk Inc.
Compatible with Win7SP1 x64, Win10 x64: full
Win8.0 / 8.1 x64 are not supported !!!
Language: Multilingual, including Russian.
The software product Autodesk Revit, based on building information modeling (BIM), is intended for the design, construction and management of the operation of high-quality, energy-efficient buildings. Autodesk Revit - a complete solution that combines the possibilities of architectural design, design of engineering systems and building designs and construction simulation (Autodesk Revit Architecture, Autodesk Revit MEP and Autodesk Revit Structure).
Information on the distribution of: The starting material for the creation of the assembly - the original ESD-distribution.
The installer altered under the usual setting (analogously Revit 2021).
Added ability to set Russian libraries without an Internet connection.
/ All other libraries will be downloaded from the Internet when they are selected and are connected /
Added some additions (see. Screenshots).
Appendix Autodesk Licensing replaced with version on 08.08.19, the
Removed applications Autodesk Desktop App, Autodesk Single Sign On Component and Autodesk Genuine Service.
Carried out technical improvements, relieving the end user from a number of problems when installing programs.
Added instructions for installation and activation.
product key 829M1
System requirements: OS:Microsoft® Windows® 10 64-bit/Windows 10 Enterprise/Windows 10 Pro Note:
Microsoft® Windows® 7 SP1 64-bit, Enterprise, Ultimate, and Professional is supported but not recommended.
CPU: -Single- or Multi-Core Intel® Pentium®, Xeon®, or i-Series processor or AMD® equivalent with SSE2 technology. Highest affordable CPU speed rating recommended.
-Autodesk Revit software products will use multiple cores for many tasks, using up to 16 cores for near-photorealistic rendering operations.
Memory: 8 GB RAM Usually sufficient for a typical editing session for a single model up to approximately 100 MB on disk.
-This estimate is based on internal testing and customer reports. Individual models will vary in their use of computer resources and performance characteristics.
-Models created in previous versions of Revit software products may require more available memory for the one-time upgrade process.
Video Display Resolutions: -Minimum:1280 x 1024 with true color
-Maximum:Ultra-High (4k) Definition Monitor
irectX® 11 capable graphics card with Shader Model 3
30 GB free disk space
Year: 2020
Version: 2021 20200917_1545 (x64)
Developer: Autodesk Inc.
Compatible with Win7SP1 x64, Win10 x64: full
Win8.0 / 8.1 x64 are not supported !!!
Language: Multilingual, including Russian.
The software product Autodesk Revit, based on building information modeling (BIM), is intended for the design, construction and management of the operation of high-quality, energy-efficient buildings. Autodesk Revit - a complete solution that combines the possibilities of architectural design, design of engineering systems and building designs and construction simulation (Autodesk Revit Architecture, Autodesk Revit MEP and Autodesk Revit Structure).
Information on the distribution of: The starting material for the creation of the assembly - the original ESD-distribution.
The installer altered under the usual setting (analogously Revit 2021).
Added ability to set Russian libraries without an Internet connection.
/ All other libraries will be downloaded from the Internet when they are selected and are connected /
Added some additions (see. Screenshots).
Appendix Autodesk Licensing replaced with version on 08.08.19, the
Removed applications Autodesk Desktop App, Autodesk Single Sign On Component and Autodesk Genuine Service.
Carried out technical improvements, relieving the end user from a number of problems when installing programs.
Added instructions for installation and activation.
product key 829M1
System requirements: OS:Microsoft® Windows® 10 64-bit/Windows 10 Enterprise/Windows 10 Pro Note:
Microsoft® Windows® 7 SP1 64-bit, Enterprise, Ultimate, and Professional is supported but not recommended.
CPU: -Single- or Multi-Core Intel® Pentium®, Xeon®, or i-Series processor or AMD® equivalent with SSE2 technology. Highest affordable CPU speed rating recommended.
-Autodesk Revit software products will use multiple cores for many tasks, using up to 16 cores for near-photorealistic rendering operations.
Memory: 8 GB RAM Usually sufficient for a typical editing session for a single model up to approximately 100 MB on disk.
-This estimate is based on internal testing and customer reports. Individual models will vary in their use of computer resources and performance characteristics.
-Models created in previous versions of Revit software products may require more available memory for the one-time upgrade process.
Video Display Resolutions: -Minimum:1280 x 1024 with true color
-Maximum:Ultra-High (4k) Definition Monitor
irectX® 11 capable graphics card with Shader Model 3
30 GB free disk space
Year: 2020
Version: 2021 20200917_1545 (x64)
Developer: Autodesk Inc.
Compatible with Win7SP1 x64, Win10 x64: full
Win8.0 / 8.1 x64 are not supported !!!
Language: Multilingual, including Russian.
The software product Autodesk Revit, based on building information modeling (BIM), is intended for the design, construction and management of the operation of high-quality, energy-efficient buildings. Autodesk Revit - a complete solution that combines the possibilities of architectural design, design of engineering systems and building designs and construction simulation (Autodesk Revit Architecture, Autodesk Revit MEP and Autodesk Revit Structure).
Information on the distribution of: The starting material for the creation of the assembly - the original ESD-distribution.
The installer altered under the usual setting (analogously Revit 2021).
Added ability to set Russian libraries without an Internet connection.
/ All other libraries will be downloaded from the Internet when they are selected and are connected /
Added some additions (see. Screenshots).
Appendix Autodesk Licensing replaced with version on 08.08.19, the
Removed applications Autodesk Desktop App, Autodesk Single Sign On Component and Autodesk Genuine Service.
Carried out technical improvements, relieving the end user from a number of problems when installing programs.
Added instructions for installation and activation.
product key 829M1
System requirements: OS:Microsoft® Windows® 10 64-bit/Windows 10 Enterprise/Windows 10 Pro Note:
Microsoft® Windows® 7 SP1 64-bit, Enterprise, Ultimate, and Professional is supported but not recommended.
CPU: -Single- or Multi-Core Intel® Pentium®, Xeon®, or i-Series processor or AMD® equivalent with SSE2 technology. Highest affordable CPU speed rating recommended.
-Autodesk Revit software products will use multiple cores for many tasks, using up to 16 cores for near-photorealistic rendering operations.
Memory: 8 GB RAM Usually sufficient for a typical editing session for a single model up to approximately 100 MB on disk.
-This estimate is based on internal testing and customer reports. Individual models will vary in their use of computer resources and performance characteristics.
-Models created in previous versions of Revit software products may require more available memory for the one-time upgrade process.
Video Display Resolutions: -Minimum:1280 x 1024 with true color
-Maximum:Ultra-High (4k) Definition Monitor
irectX® 11 capable graphics card with Shader Model 3
30 GB free disk space
Year: 2020
Version: 2021 20200917_1545 (x64)
Developer: Autodesk Inc.
Compatible with Win7SP1 x64, Win10 x64: full
Win8.0 / 8.1 x64 are not supported !!!
Language: Multilingual, including Russian.