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2 Girls Teach Sex - Collection of Courses

M 0


Sep 26, 2023
Reaction score
1 years of service

Two Girls Teach Sex - Collection of Courses | 23.4 GB
Good step by step demonstrations of effective sexual positions, a lot of practical advice that is simple enough for anyone to understand and use, easy to learn from 'edutainment' factor.

2GTS have taken advantage of the use of porn stars to make their courses more entertaining and easily watchable. Throughout the DVDs they make a lot of effort to keep things interesting, down-to-earth and combine the education with a bit of entertainment (edutainment).

The highlights of this collection are:
- It has visual demonstrations that you can watch so you know what to do (it's the only program we've reviewed that has these)
- It has porn stars acting and talking in it (do you like porn and porn stars? maybe you'll feel more comfortable and stay more engaged watching this than something more technical with more theory)
- The advice is kept very simple yet actually has some quite advanced techniques
- Edutainment factor - if you dislike studying you'll find this product better for you and easier to learn from

Two Girls Teach Sex - Collection of Courses Contents:
- 2 Girls Teach Sex - 2.0
- 60 Minute Stamina
- Advanced Sex Techniques For Guaranteed Orgasms
- Blow Her Mind The First Time
- Extreme Female Orgasms
- Forbidden Sex Secrets
- Multiple Orgasm Methods
- Oral Sex Magic
- Orgasm Of The Month
- Rear Entry Made Easy
- Secrets of Squirting Orgasms
- Sex Positions for Orgasm and Excitement
- Shawna's Porn Star Sex Secrets
- Squirting Orgasm Mastery
- Superman Stamina
- Threesome Code


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We thanks for sharing
U 0


2nd Account
Oct 7, 2023
Reaction score
1 years of service

Two Girls Teach Sex - Collection of Courses | 23.4 GB
Good step by step demonstrations of effective sexual positions, a lot of practical advice that is simple enough for anyone to understand and use, easy to learn from 'edutainment' factor.

2GTS have taken advantage of the use of porn stars to make their courses more entertaining and easily watchable. Throughout the DVDs they make a lot of effort to keep things interesting, down-to-earth and combine the education with a bit of entertainment (edutainment).

The highlights of this collection are:
- It has visual demonstrations that you can watch so you know what to do (it's the only program we've reviewed that has these)
- It has porn stars acting and talking in it (do you like porn and porn stars? maybe you'll feel more comfortable and stay more engaged watching this than something more technical with more theory)
- The advice is kept very simple yet actually has some quite advanced techniques
- Edutainment factor - if you dislike studying you'll find this product better for you and easier to learn from

Two Girls Teach Sex - Collection of Courses Contents:
- 2 Girls Teach Sex - 2.0
- 60 Minute Stamina
- Advanced Sex Techniques For Guaranteed Orgasms
- Blow Her Mind The First Time
- Extreme Female Orgasms
- Forbidden Sex Secrets
- Multiple Orgasm Methods
- Oral Sex Magic
- Orgasm Of The Month
- Rear Entry Made Easy
- Secrets of Squirting Orgasms
- Sex Positions for Orgasm and Excitement
- Shawna's Porn Star Sex Secrets
- Squirting Orgasm Mastery
- Superman Stamina
- Threesome Code


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this is definitely something
D 0


2nd Account
Dec 5, 2023
Reaction score
1 years of service

Two Girls Teach Sex - Collection of Courses | 23.4 GB
Good step by step demonstrations of effective sexual positions, a lot of practical advice that is simple enough for anyone to understand and use, easy to learn from 'edutainment' factor.

2GTS have taken advantage of the use of porn stars to make their courses more entertaining and easily watchable. Throughout the DVDs they make a lot of effort to keep things interesting, down-to-earth and combine the education with a bit of entertainment (edutainment).

The highlights of this collection are:
- It has visual demonstrations that you can watch so you know what to do (it's the only program we've reviewed that has these)
- It has porn stars acting and talking in it (do you like porn and porn stars? maybe you'll feel more comfortable and stay more engaged watching this than something more technical with more theory)
- The advice is kept very simple yet actually has some quite advanced techniques
- Edutainment factor - if you dislike studying you'll find this product better for you and easier to learn from

Two Girls Teach Sex - Collection of Courses Contents:
- 2 Girls Teach Sex - 2.0
- 60 Minute Stamina
- Advanced Sex Techniques For Guaranteed Orgasms
- Blow Her Mind The First Time
- Extreme Female Orgasms
- Forbidden Sex Secrets
- Multiple Orgasm Methods
- Oral Sex Magic
- Orgasm Of The Month
- Rear Entry Made Easy
- Secrets of Squirting Orgasms
- Sex Positions for Orgasm and Excitement
- Shawna's Porn Star Sex Secrets
- Squirting Orgasm Mastery
- Superman Stamina
- Threesome Code


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salamat dito
U 0


May 25, 2023
Reaction score
2 years of service

Two Girls Teach Sex - Collection of Courses | 23.4 GB
Good step by step demonstrations of effective sexual positions, a lot of practical advice that is simple enough for anyone to understand and use, easy to learn from 'edutainment' factor.

2GTS have taken advantage of the use of porn stars to make their courses more entertaining and easily watchable. Throughout the DVDs they make a lot of effort to keep things interesting, down-to-earth and combine the education with a bit of entertainment (edutainment).

The highlights of this collection are:
- It has visual demonstrations that you can watch so you know what to do (it's the only program we've reviewed that has these)
- It has porn stars acting and talking in it (do you like porn and porn stars? maybe you'll feel more comfortable and stay more engaged watching this than something more technical with more theory)
- The advice is kept very simple yet actually has some quite advanced techniques
- Edutainment factor - if you dislike studying you'll find this product better for you and easier to learn from

Two Girls Teach Sex - Collection of Courses Contents:
- 2 Girls Teach Sex - 2.0
- 60 Minute Stamina
- Advanced Sex Techniques For Guaranteed Orgasms
- Blow Her Mind The First Time
- Extreme Female Orgasms
- Forbidden Sex Secrets
- Multiple Orgasm Methods
- Oral Sex Magic
- Orgasm Of The Month
- Rear Entry Made Easy
- Secrets of Squirting Orgasms
- Sex Positions for Orgasm and Excitement
- Shawna's Porn Star Sex Secrets
- Squirting Orgasm Mastery
- Superman Stamina
- Threesome Code


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Hel ooo
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