Thank youAlthough some question it, many hackers prefer using Python for their work. They feel that this high level programming language has its pros when it comes to hacking. For example, it offers one of the quickest ways to make a socket, interact with a program and make a pad shell code.
Python for Hackers - Networkers Primer (Sockets, Webserver Scapy)
Python for Hackers - Networkers Primer (Multithreaded Server and the Force of Scapy)
Learn Python Through Public Data Hacking
Programming a Custom Backdoor in Python
Hack of the Day: Wireless SSID Sniffer in 10 Lines of Python
Hacking With Python 1 - What is Brute-Forcing?
Simple Python Virus Tutorial
Hacking DOS binaries using Python - intro
Making A Simple Email Bot
Hack login and admin panels using python script