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  1. J


    jejeje1804 welcome sa bagong tahanan. Para di ka malito at di paulit ulit tanong. Pakibisita yung forum guides sa baba. Lahat ng tanong nasagot na doon. Always upload your files sa https://hbit.to para siguradong di ma dedeadlink. To learn how to download visit FORUM GUIDES. To learn more...
  2. L


    Hello, i'm Steven. Nice to meet you all! Thank you for having me here
  3. R

    Short Introduction

    [SHORT INTRO - NO JUDGEMENT] Rezrum not your typical restroom, just to be clear :sneaky: nickname came from the rez (resurrect) and rum (a type of alcoholic beverage). A fun pun way back in college that I usually resurrect given some rum. Well, who doesn't like Jack Daniels and Coke right...
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