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  1. M

    Self Introduction

    New member here! Hello po sa lahat. Nice to meet you all haha :)
  2. P


    Hi all. Male from Manila. Mahilig maghanap ng mga bagay bagay sa net
  3. P

    Hello world!!!

    Maraming salamat sa threads na to na dami kong matutunan!!!!
  4. T

    ("re") INTRO: Returning member... happy new year guys

    as my post title mentions, been a long time member... since before this forum is named as it is now... Anyway just re-introducing myself to the forum... not much to say just a lurker that checks the threads from time to time. Just sharing... It's just alarming that one of the few auto mails...
  5. K

    Introduce Yourself

    Hi. Newbie here. Just want to say na hello. Btw from tarlac po pala :) Goodevening
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