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Storyline: When dysfunctional adult, Al Clancy, mistakenly agrees to mind his smart-ass 10-year-old nephew, Karl Clancy, for a week, his job and home are placed in jeopardy. In a bold bid to save Al’s job, they steal his mam’s camper-van, become best friends and embark on a criss-cross adventure...
IMDb Rating: 6.6/10
Genres: Drama
Language: English
Quality: 720p WEB-DL
Size: 785MB
Director: Peter Sattler
Writers: Steve Waverly
Stars: Lynda Boyd, Yvette Nicole Brown, Ben Platt
Storyline: In the wake of his father’s death, a twenty-something writer sees his dream of moving to Paris put in...
IMDb Rating: 5.3/10
Genres: Action, Drama, Fantasy
Language: Hindi 2.0 + English 2.0
Quality: 720p WEB-DL
Size: 1GB
Director: Henri Wong
Writers: Fan Wenwen, Henri Wong, Wang Yahe
Stars: Shawn Yue, Jessie Li, Kara Wai
Storyline: Some strange things have always existed, you think it is a...