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  1. S

    Lucion FileCenter Suite 11.0.32

    Lucion FileCenter Suite 11.0.32 File size: 254 MB FileCenter is a complex software application, designed specifically in order to help individuals organize documents and directories from their hard drive, as well as manage their cloud from the desktop. A filing system that makes sense...
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    Solid PDF Tools 10.1.11786.4770 Multilingual

    Solid PDF Tools 10.1.11786.4770 Multilingual File size: 178.6 MB Solid PDF Tools is one of several excellent PDF conversion and creation products from Solid Documents. With Solid PDF tools you can Convert PDF to HTML. Use advanced document reconstruction to convert PDF to formatted W3C...
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    Solid PDF/A Express 10.1.11786.4770 Multilingual

    Solid PDF/A Express 10.1.11786.4770 Multilingual File size: 90.1 MB PDF/A creation, conversion and validation software for archiving. Solid PDF/A Express is an intuitive and comprehensive software solution whose main purpose resides in providing you with the ability to archive, manipulate...
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    Solid Commander 10.1.11786.4770 Multilingual

    Solid Commander 10.1.11786.4770 Multilingual File Size: 130.2 MB Solid Commander - automated PDF to Word conversion, PDF/A validation, PDF to PDF/A conversion, searchable PDF creation and text extraction. Automated PDF to Word or text conversion, PDF/A validation, PDF to PDF/A conversion...
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    Solid Converter PDF 10.1.11786.4770 Multilingual

    Solid Converter PDF 10.1.11786.4770 Multilingual File size: 126.19 MB Solid Converter is the best PDF converter for turning PDF files into fully editable Windows documents. Whether you need your content in Microsoft® Word, Excel, PowerPoint, HTML or just text, Solid Converter gives you...
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