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Laptop keys not working

G 0


Mar 13, 2024
Reaction score
1 years of service
Looking for advice!
My laptop S key is not working, I tried to look into it by removing the keycap just in case something is just stuck under it but there aren't any debris. I didn't do anything else except for blowing on it a few times and putting the keycap back on and now both my x and z keys aren't working along with the s key. It's a gaming laptop and it's very inconvenient to bring around because of its weight already, more so now that I have to carry a separate keyboard to use it, so now I'm looking for some advice on how to fix it.
You can probably tell I'm a caveman when it comes to things like these, so I'm probably not fit to do this all by myself. I'll probably have to pay someone to do it, but what are the things that I should know before bringing it over so I can save time and money.
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Reactions: intelinside123
I 0


May 13, 2024
Reaction score
1 years of service
Looking for advice!
My laptop S key is not working, I tried to look into it by removing the keycap just in case something is just stuck under it but there aren't any debris. I didn't do anything else except for blowing on it a few times and putting the keycap back on and now both my x and z keys aren't working along with the s key. It's a gaming laptop and it's very inconvenient to bring around because of its weight already, more so now that I have to carry a separate keyboard to use it, so now I'm looking for some advice on how to fix it.
You can probably tell I'm a caveman when it comes to things like these, so I'm probably not fit to do this all by myself. I'll probably have to pay someone to do it, but what are the things that I should know before bringing it over so I can save time and money.

Try mo lagyan konti baby oil then pindot pindutin mo bro.
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