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Dism++ 10.1.1002.1

S 0


Alpha and Omega
Apr 11, 2021
Reaction score
4 years of service

Dism++ 10.1.1002.1

File Size: 3,60 MB

Dism++ can be considered as a GUI frontend of DISM, but it is based on low-level Component Based Servicing (CBS) interface instead of DISM API or DISM Core API.
WinSxS Cleanup
No need to worry about disk free space anymore while installing updates!

At least 33% used space reduction without streamlining your OS Image.

ESD Support
No need to worry about converting ESD to ISO anymore.

Windows Update
Choose your updates -- no worries.

Backup and Recovery
Backup or restore your system WITHOUT using Windows PE

About Authors:
We are quite obsessed with looking a tool that is lightweight, easy-to-use, straightforward, without garbage and annoyance. Alas, we could not find one, but we did not give up, as we realized such a dream with our own hands by making Dism++: a small tool that is non-profit and built with pure persistence and enthusiasm.

Compatible with Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10

What's New:
1. Solved the bug, the problem that wsusscn3.cab cannot be used in 32-bit systems.
2. Solved the bug, WinSxS cleanup supports Windows 10 19041 and Windows 11.
3. Fixed the problem that TOC package does not support differential transmission
4. Added Fea, which provides automatic update support for wsuscan3.cab based on Github service.
5. Add Fea, add read-only hosts modification support.
6. Added Fea, which supports psf-based patches dedicated to Windows Update for Windows 11 (thanks to gross profit for collecting information).
7. Added Fea and several bugs.

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